瞿曇寺回廊佛傳壁畫內容辨識與風格分析=The Identification of the Contents and an Analysis of the Style of the Jataka Murals in the Ambulatory of Qutan Temple |
著者 |
廖暘 (著)=Liao, Yang (au.)
謝繼勝 (著)=Xie, Ji-sheng (au.)
掲載誌 |
故宮博物院院刊=Palace Museum Journal
巻号 | n.3 |
出版年月日 | 2006 |
ページ | 16 - 43 |
出版者 | 紫禁城出版社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 北京, 中國 [Beijing, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者謝繼勝任職於首都師範大學漢藏佛教美術研究所;廖暘任職於中國社會科學院民族學與人類學研究所 |
キーワード | 明代繪畫=Ming Dynasty painting; 瞿曇寺=Qutan Temple; 佛傳壁畫=Jataka murals |
抄録 | 瞿曇寺回廊佛傳壁畫是明清之際壁畫藝術的重要遺存,正在引起美術史界的高度關注。以往回廊壁畫的研究多為當地考古工作者的概括描寫,同時對壁畫內容也未作一個完整準確的辨識,對壁畫表現的藝術風格及其在中國美術史上的地位更少有涉及,本文考察了瞿縣寺建寺史實,首次完整辨識瞿縣寺回廊佛傳壁畫的內容,復原了不同時期壁畫的次序,並就壁畫風格進行分析。
The Jataka murals in the ambulatory of Qutan Temple are important examples of extant Ming-Qing mural art, and they have attracted a great deal of interest among art historians. In the past, the study of these murals mostly comprised descriptive work undertaken by local archaeological workers, and no overall correct understanding of their significance was completed. Nor had any consideration of the murals' artistic style and its position within the context of the history of Chinese art even been undertaken. This article examines the history of the construction of Qutan Temple, firstly, by completing an identification of the content of the Jataka murals in the temple's ambulatory and reconstructing the sequence in which the paintings of different periods were completed, and only then by presenting an analysis of the style of the murals. |
ISSN | 04527402 (P); 04527402 (E) |
ヒット数 | 751 |
作成日 | 2010.08.11 |
更新日期 | 2019.09.18 |

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