元.高麗僧義璇生平事跡考=A Study on the Life of Yi-Xuan, a Korean Buddhist Monk in the Yuan Dynasty |
著者 |
許正弘 (著)=Hsu, Cheng-hung (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.11 |
出版年月日 | 2010.12 |
ページ | 45 - 75 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
ノート | 作者為國立清華大學歷史研究所博士生 |
キーワード | 元朝=Yuan dynasty; 義璇=Yi-Xuan; 大天源延聖寺=Great Tian-Yuan-Yan-Sheng Temple; 高麗僧=Korean Buddhist monk; 天臺宗=Tiantai Sect |
抄録 | 蒙元時期為中韓佛教交流的一大高峰。高麗僧人入元者甚眾,其中義璇既得奉命住持大都皇家佛寺的大天源延聖寺,又受旨返麗行香,可謂備受尊崇,在元麗佛教史上均佔有相當的重要性。由於義璇相關史料的零散,學界過去雖試圖輯考其人事跡,但不免有所偏重與過於疏略之嫌。本文對義璇的生平行事,包括家世、師承、重要事跡與交游法嗣等面向,廣稽元麗史料,尤其著重高麗方面文獻,進行較為全面的考述,並冀能對元朝皇家佛寺住持的任用與高麗天臺宗的發展,提出解釋和說明。
The Buddhism exchanges between China and Korea during the Mongol-Yuan period had reached a peak in Chinese history. Many Korean Buddhist monks came to China at that time. Yi-Xuan(義璇)was one of them. An important person in the history of the Yuan-Korean Buddhism, he was nominated by the Mongol Emperor as the abbot of the Great Tian-Yuan-Yan-Sheng Temple(大天源延聖寺), one of the imperial temples in the capital area. He had once returned by imperial order to Korea for praying for the Emperor and the state. This paper aims at giving an overall look upon Yi-Xuan’s life, including his family lineage, his religious belief, his important deeds, and his friends and disciples. It will also explore the significance of assignment to imperial temple’s abbot in the Yuan dynasty, and explain the development of the Tiantai Sect(天臺宗)in Korea. |
目次 | 一、引言 二、阿師本是衣冠胄:家世背景 三、脫略富貴輕分離:師承淵源 四、西遊卻被玉皇眷:住錫大都 五、有儒釋賓友之歡:交游法嗣 六、結語 附錄:義璇生平簡表 |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
ヒット数 | 1285 |
作成日 | 2013.07.23 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.28 |

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