試論《雜阿含經》之「厭離」=“Yen-li”(厭離)in the Saṁyutta Āgama |
著者 |
張雲凱 (著)=Chang,Yun-kai (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.11 |
出版年月日 | 2010.12 |
ページ | 171 - 216 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 厭離=Nibbidā; 如實知=Yathābhūtañāna; 毗婆舍那=Vipassanā; 共相=Sāmañña-lakkhaṇa; 三摩提=Samādhi |
抄録 | 一般而言,說到「厭離」就會聯想到「出離心」,但與此意涵截然不同的「厭離」,為何大量地出現在說一切有部傳承之《雜阿含經》中?究竟該經所指之厭離為何?這是本文所要探討的主題。 本文先以版本比對為研究方法,將經中用法分歧的「厭離」分為兩類:一類經由根境因緣觸生受,進而產生想、行、識的心理運作,這樣的過程將對所緣採取分別、判斷,對於不喜愛、不接受者,就排斥而遠離。 另一種「厭離」(巴 nibbidā)則是以禪定透過內觀(巴 vipassanā),得到如實知見(巴 yathābhūtañānadassana),觀察身心等所緣皆為生、住、異、滅等共相而無有差別,因此沒有偏好,不生執著,此即為「厭離」。這種心理操作是專注於五蘊及六入處生滅無常,而無關乎合意不合意的造作分別。 從這樣看來,《雜阿含經》中的「厭離」可分為代表著世間善惡法的抉擇,與表徵行者操作出世間智慧後的心理狀態兩種;而經過檢索與探討之後發現,「厭離」做為「出離心」傾向的用法,在本經只有一例。
“Yen-li”(厭離)and “Wishing to get rid of”(出離心)seems a pair of synonymous phrases in Chinese Buddhist suttas, but yet there are lot of samples to prove the difference between them in Saṁyutta Āgama. This paper is trying to find out the varieties of “yen-li” in Saṁyutta Āgama. One of the research methods of this paper is “versions comparison.” By comparing the suttas concerning the word “yen-li” in Saṁyutta Āgama and the Pāli suttas, we could see there are different correspondant words in Pāli suttas. They can be divided into two groups, with one of the “yen-li” coming from unwholesome feeling while contacting the environment. It makes people find a way out of the condition. The other “yen-li” in Saṁyutta Āgama comes from vipassanā due to the accomplishment of practice of samādhi. While practicing vipassanā, the physical phenomenons can be seen without exception as four processes: happening, lasting, changing, vanishing. In this point of view, all of the physical phenomenons are the same and they couldn’t arouse any interesting from within. This kind of “yen-li” is synonymous with Pāli word “nibbidā.” We can say a “nibbidā” person is the one who “enters the stream of saint”(入流者)and he also obtains the pañña of Buddha. After the discussion above, we could see the Chinese word “yen-li” should be identified carefully while reading it in the suttas, because it is actually endowed with different profound meanings.
目次 | 前言 173 一、中文「厭離」詞義探討 174 二、起厭逆想令諸煩惱不復現行的厭離 175 (一)南北傳版本之比對 (二)依五蘊討論其心理操作 三、代表觀禪成就的厭離 184 (一)由 “nibbidā” 看「厭離」的詞義 (二)生起「厭離」的方法 (三)證得「厭離」於解脫道所代表的意義 結論 196 附表一 《雜阿含經》出現「厭離」之經文與尼柯耶對照表 197 附表二 《雜阿含經》出現「厭」之經文與尼柯耶對照表 204 |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
ヒット数 | 1095 |
作成日 | 2013.08.07 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.28 |

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