殖民時期獅巖洞元光寺修行者群像 -- 兼論曹洞宗在獅頭山的活動=Portraits of Practitioners at the Yuan Guang Temple of Lion Rock Hole during Japanese Colonial Period : with Discussions on the Activities of Cao Dong School at Mt. Shitou (Lion's Head Mount) |
著者 |
闞正宗 (著)=Kan, Cheng-Tsung (au.)
掲載誌 |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
巻号 | n.15 |
出版年月日 | 2011.03.01 |
ページ | 99 - 151 |
出版者 | 玄奘大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
ノート | 作者為佛光大學兼任助理教授=Adjunct Assistant Professor of Fo Guang University |
キーワード | 獅頭山=Mt. Shitou; 元光寺=Yuan Guang Temple; 齋教=the Jhai Jiao (the Vegetarian Sect); 曹洞宗=Cao Dong School; 月眉山=Yue Mie Mount |
抄録 | 本文以 1895 年獅頭山最早創建的獅巖洞「善道堂」(元光寺)為核心,歷經殖民時期至戰後的眾多修行人為觀察對象。開山者為人稱「邱太空」的邱普捷,師承福建福清齋教龍華派一是堂。他將清末齋教最後的形象帶入獅頭山,而其繼承者葉普霖,以龍華九品位階來定位及管理齋友。從邱普捷開始,堂中所住齋友,有很大一部分彼此是夫妻、兄弟、親戚等關係。其「集體修行」的結構,和僅作為一般禮拜場所的齋堂不同,並提供「養老制度」,在繳交固定金額後,不分男女老幼,終身有效,可至終老,但須服耕稼勞役。元光寺在第二任住持葉普霖時,有逐漸「棄齋入佛」的趨勢,經過曹洞宗僧佐久間擔任住持後,加上與月眉山、法雲寺的往來,在戰後終致轉入佛教。元光寺最早為齋教龍華派,「由齋入佛」有其歷史脈絡,本文以最新出土的《日據元光寺住眾戶籍資料》及元光寺進塔簿(《福海靈塔進塔簿》),嘗試勾勒其殖民時期的齋友修行的輪廓。
The paper deals with the founding members of the Lion Rock Hole’s “Good Tao Hall” (Yuan Kuang Temple) from Japanese occupation to the post war period. The founder is Qiu Pu-jie, often called Qiu the great Nirvana, who came from Yi Shi Hall of Fu Qian’s Long Hua Sect at Fu Jian Province. He introduced to Mt. Shitou characteristics of the Jhai Jiao 齋教 (also called Vegetarian Religion, or Lay Buddhism) prevailing in the late Qing Dynasty. His successor Yie Pu-lin governed the followers with a ninerank system basing on Long Hua Sect classification. Most of the practitioners there have been couples, brothers, or relatives even since the time of Yie. The “group discipline” structure at Good Tao Hall was quite different from that of other diet halls open to worship. It also offered a “pension service system” for those who had paid certain amount of money to stay for life, regardless of their gender or age. However, in exchange, these people should devote part of their time to productive labor in agriculture. The second abbot, Yie Pu-lin tended to convert the organization's practices from vegetarianism into Buddhism. The conversion was achieved after the war, under the leadership of Zuo Jiou Jian from Japanese Cao Dong school, along with its close interactions with other temples such as Yue Mie Mount and Fa Yun Temple. Yuan Guang Temple used to be a part of Long Hua Sect. Its conversion from vegetarianism to Buddhism can be traced in historical documents. With an attempt to give an overview of the sectarian practices during the Japanese Colonial period, this paper tries to describe such a development basing on two major documents newly unearthed, The Residential Records from the Yuan Guang Temple in the Japanese Colonial Period, and the Records from the Worshippers at Fu Hai Lin Tower. |
目次 | 一、前言 103 二、齋教獅巖洞善道堂創建年代及開山者 104 (一)創建年代 (二)開山、護持者與住眾 三、獅巖洞元光寺修行者群像 112 (一)部分住眾的身分 (二)修行群像 (三)修行者來山背景與日課 四、殖民時期(1895-1945)獅巖洞住持及其發展 123 (一)獅巖洞元光寺殖民時期四任住持 (二)由齋入佛 五、曹洞宗在獅山 130 (一)獅頭山的開發 (二)騷人墨客的記遊 (三)事變前(1896-1936)在獅山的曹洞宗僧 (四)「皇民化運動」下的獅頭山 六、結語 144 |
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
ヒット数 | 959 |
作成日 | 2013.07.24 |
更新日期 | 2017.12.08 |

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