以般若空觀解明無明與萬有=A Clarification of Ignorance and Everything by Way of Wisdom Endowed with Insight into Emptiness |
著者 |
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
掲載誌 |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.22 |
出版年月日 | 2013.12 |
ページ | 1 - 32 |
出版者 | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 阿含經典=Āgama-sūtras; 般若經典=Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras; 般若空觀=wisdom endowed with insight into emptiness; 無明=ignorance; 萬有=everything |
抄録 | 本文以阿含經典與般若經典為主要的依據,著眼於般若空觀,尋求所謂的無明與萬有可予以稍微深入解明的一條線索。如此的探討,一方面,可藉以領會眾生的認知黯淡之癥結,以及世間萬象之底細;另一方面,亦可藉以彰顯般若空觀做為精通修學的智慧之特色。在論述的行文,由如下的六節串連而成。第一節,「緒論」,開門見山,帶出研究主題,並且逐一交代論文的構想與輪廓。第二節,從緣起之視角,分成二個小節,逐一論陳阿含經典對於無明與萬有的解釋。第三節,著眼於知覺運作,以止觀而定慧並進的方式,扼要地鋪陳一條可藉以解明般若空觀的線索。第四節,按照《八千頌的般若經》梵文本、《大般若波羅蜜多經〃第四會》玄奘譯本、以及《八千頌的般若經》梵文本的白話翻譯之順序,聚焦在一段經文,呈現由般若空觀所觀照的無明與萬有。第五節,著眼於般若空觀,看待無明之差錯,顯明萬有之底細,並且檢視平庸眾生在知見與情意連番出現差錯的三個關鍵環節。第六節,「結論」,總結本文的要點。
This paper searches for a clue to the understanding of the so-called ignorance (avidyā / avijjā) and everything (sarva-bhāva / sabba-bhava) from the perspective of wisdom endowed with insight into emptiness (prajñā / paññā) based on the Āgama-sūtras and Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras. On the one hand, the inquiry as such may unfold the reason why sentient beings are ignorant of reality and illuminate the constitution of everything in the world. On the other hand, this exploration may exemplify that wisdom endowed with insight into emptiness is characteristic of being proficient in Buddhist practices. This paper is composed of six sections. The first is an introduction that elucidates the theme and the outline of this paper. Section two discusses how the Āgama-sūtras expound ignorance and everything from the perspective of conditioned co-arising (pratītya-samutpāda / paticca-samuppāda). Section three presents a clue to illuminate wisdom endowed with insight into emptiness from the angle of how perception can operate differently along the progression of cultivating śamatha and vipaśyanā leading to penetrating insight. Section four focuses on one specific passage of the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā to illustrate how the scripture explicates ignorance and everything in terms of wisdom endowed with insight into emptiness. In the light of wisdom endowed with insight into emptiness that discerns the digression of ignorance and expounds the reality of everything, section five examines and figures out some cruxes where mediocre beings digress while engaged in cognitive and emotional activities. Section six concludes the main points of this research.
目次 | 一、緒論 4 二、阿含經典對於無明與萬有的解釋 6 (一)以緣起為角度對於無明的解釋 (二)以緣起為角度對於萬有的解釋 三、解開知覺運作之系統與程序以解明般若空觀 16 四、以《大般若波羅蜜多經.第四會》的一段經文做為探究無明與萬有的依據 20 五、從知見與情意連番出現差錯的三個關鍵環節襯顯無明與萬有之來歷 24 (一)般若空觀運用於看待無明之差錯 (二)般若空觀運用於顯明萬有之底細 (三)般若空觀運用於檢視平庸眾生在知見與情意連番出現差錯的三個關鍵環節 六、結論 27 |
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
ヒット数 | 2263 |
作成日 | 2014.01.28 |
更新日期 | 2017.08.15 |
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