探討佛教哲學諮商對仇恨的轉化與療癒之道:以「密勒日巴」(Milarepa)影片為例=On How Buddhist Counseling Transforms and Heals Hatred-Milarepa |
著者 |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.)
掲載誌 |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture
巻号 | v.41 n.4 |
出版年月日 | 2014.04.01 |
ページ | 103 - 120 |
出版者 | 哲學與文化月刊雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為佛光大學佛教學系副教授。 |
キーワード | 佛教哲學諮商=Buddhist Philosophical Counseling; 仇恨=Hatred; 轉化=Transformation; 情緒=Emotion; 密勒日巴=Milarepa |
抄録 | 在面對逆境與看待人際關係的衝突時,要如何面對與化解心生的仇恨,斷除瞋恚的負面情緒,使人際關係更加和諧圓融?藉由瞭解密勒日巴一生所遭逢的遽變與打擊,可以瞭解他如何從一度的迷失陷溺,至良心自覺而勵志提升生命的質度,息滅仇恨所伴隨之熱惱火焰,進而展現慈悲與寬容,獲得寧靜自在的清涼喜悅。這種情形正如燈座的開關,由先前的「On」煩惱與「Off」智慧狀態,轉化為「Off」貪愛、瞋恚及愚痴的愚述,以及「On」智慧的身心健康。人生諸多困擾,多源於對相關事態的掌握不清,以致遍尋不著解決之道。選擇復仇使人悔恨,深陷痛苦深淵;反之,諒解與寬恕則能使身心和諧。我們可以效法學習密勒日巴,不受第二支箭之苦,正確地處理待人與社會的問題,超越一己現實生命的有限性,不落入再次傷害與惡性循環的思想毒害,從而涵養德性並提昇情緒轉化能力,提高生命的幸福指數,邁向生命的圓滿之道。本文除前言與結語外,嘗試從六個部分:一、人生苦難現場(苦諦、集諦),二、「轉苦為樂」的轉念轉化(道諦),三、「轉恨為慈」的情緒管理(道諦),四、「轉惡為善」的道德抉擇(道諦),五、「轉罪為懺」的心靈療癒(道諦),六、「轉凡為聖」的圓滿生命(滅諦),探究佛教哲學諮商在面對人生苦痛之際,提供在逆境、情緒、道德與心靈等方面有效的轉化解藥與療癒平衡。
How do we resolve hatred and anger in the face of adversities and the conflicts of interpersonal relationships and in turn harmonize them? By understanding the changes and blows Milarepa encountered, we can see how he went from loss, conscientious awareness, improvement on the quality of life, the annihilation of hatred to the final mercy, tolerance, tranquility and easiness. Many distresses derive from confusion, which makes one unable to find the solution. Revenge is the source of regrets and pains, while understanding and forgiveness can bring about the harmony of physique and spirit. We can follow Milarepa, refusing to pain ourselves further, dealing with the problems with people and society correctly, transcending the limits of one's mundane life, not being victimized by further harms and vicious circles, and in turn developing our virtues, enhancing our happiness and achieving the wholeness of life. Other than the foreword and the conclusion, this article proceeds along six sections-first, the adversities, second, the transformation from pains to happiness, third, the transformation from hatred to mercy, fourth, the transformation from evil to good, fifth, the transformation from sins to confessions, and sixth, the transformation from mortal to divine-to explore how Buddhist counseling offers the right solution and healing for pains, adversities, emotions, morality and spirit. |
目次 | 壹、前言 104 貳、人生苦難現場 106 參、「轉苦為樂」的轉念轉化 108 肆、「轉良為慈」的情緒管理 111 伍、「轉惡為善」的道德抉擇 112 陸、「轉罪為,懺」的心靈療癒 114 柒、「轉凡為聖」的圓滿生命 115 捌、結語 116
ISSN | 10158383 (P); 10158383 (E) |
ヒット数 | 531 |
作成日 | 2014.07.11 |
更新日期 | 2022.08.04 |
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