珍貴與神聖的身體:藏傳佛教「道次第」與身體觀=Precious and Sacred Body: Body Discourse and Lamrim in Tibetan Buddhism |
著者 |
劉婉俐 (著)=Liu, Wan-li (au.)
掲載誌 |
輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies
巻号 | v.14 n.1 (總號=n.27) |
出版年月日 | 2013.09 |
ページ | 93 - 126 |
出版者 | 輔仁大學出版社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為華梵大學外文系助理教授 |
キーワード | 身體=Body; 藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 漸道=gradual path; 道次第=stages of practice |
抄録 | 本文嘗試以藏傳佛教的修行次第(或稱「道次第」,藏文稱lamrim)為主軸,分析其中所蘊含的身體觀,透過修行次第對身體的不同認知、轉化、與證成闡述,來了解藏傳佛教中多元、深奧的身體觀,以及身體在整個修道過程中所扮演的重要角色。以道次第做為藏傳佛教身體觀的考察重點,一方面可看出藏傳佛教以「漸道」為主而發展起來的完整見、修體系;另一方面也澄清了對藏傳佛教只有密法的誤解,道次第的顯密俱陳、循序漸進,顯示密法的修持必須以顯教為基礎,且其對身體的神聖淨觀,也是建立在大乘法教的核心教義-慈悲心、菩提心與空性見的修持之上。除了探討修道次第中對身體的珍貴與神聖描述之外,在與道次第相關的重要法教教授中,如寧瑪派的大圓滿法、中陰法教等,也可發現藏傳佛教對身體的特殊觀點與見解。
This paper discusses the relationship between body discourse and lamrim (stages of practice) in Tibetan Buddhism. Through various transformative training exercises to change our normal view of the physical body, body discourse comprises profound, multiple views of the body in Tibetan Buddhism, proving that the body actually plays a very important role on the path of enlightenment.The exploration of body discourse in lamrim reveals the gradual path of Tibetan Buddhism and clarifies some misunderstandings that assume Tibetan Buddhism merely adopted Tantric practices. From a detailed discussion of Tibetan lamrim, it is shown that Tantric practices are in fact based on Mahayana teachings, especially the core doctrines of compassion, Bodhicitta (the enlightened mind), and Shunyata (emptiness). Together they build up a view of the spiritual body as precious and sacred.In addition, body discourse can be found in some important teachings, such as the Dzogchen and Bardo teachings in the Nyingma tradition. This also shows some rare ways of viewing the body in Tibetan Buddhism. |
目次 | 壹、藏傳佛教的「漸道」次第 95 一、道次第建立的歷史背景與影響 95 二、蓮花戒道次第的修學內涵與影響 98 三、阿底峽尊者道次第中的顯密融貫 102 貳、後弘期各教派的顯、密道次第 110 參、顯密道次第中的身體觀:珍貴與神聖的身體 117
ISSN | 16820568 (P); 16820568 (E) |
ヒット数 | 627 |
作成日 | 2014.07.25 |
更新日期 | 2019.12.16 |

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