「行入」慈濟大藏經 ─ 以慈濟落實「社區倫理」的環保志業為例=Acting out and Adhering to" Tzu Chi's Buddhist Scriptures -A Case Study of the Implementation of "Community Ethics" in Tzu Chi's Environmental Protection Mission |
著者 |
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hwei (au.)
掲載誌 |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
巻号 | n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2012.10 |
ページ | 71 - 86 |
出版者 | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 1.作者簡介:玄奘大學宗教學系教授、系主任兼文理學院院長 2.本篇論文之初稿,係筆者應慈濟基金會發言人何日生教授邀,於2012年1月間,為《環境與宗教的對話》論文集所撰序文 |
キーワード | 慈濟環保志業=Tzu Chi environmental protection mission; 教證=scriptural evidences; 理證=factual proofs; 事證=logical support; 佛心師志=the Buddha’s mind and the mentor’s will; 行入=acting out and adhering to; 社區倫理=community ethics; 全球化=globalization; 在地化=localization |
抄録 | 慈濟從「全球」的環保志業,落實到「在地」的資源回收,然後又從「在地」的資源回收,落實到作為「全球」賑災用途的高科技寶特瓶毛毯。它是一個兼顧「全球化」與「在地化」的最佳實例。 在資源回收與處理作業的在地環保志業中,我們看到慈濟人落實「社區實踐倫理」的成功典範。所有一連串的運作機轉,具體呈現出身心靈、家庭、社會乃至土地的療癒成果,總體效益很難作精準的量化表述。 因此本文作者以「佛教局內人」與「慈濟局外人」的雙重身份,略述「宗教」與「環保」之間,教證、事證與理證之間,「佛心」、「師志」與「己行」之間,「局內人」與「局外人」之間,「全球化」與「在地化」之間,邏輯辨證的層層環扣與串串鏈結。
Tzu Chi serves as the best example that balances between globalization and localization in its efforts to implement its mission to protect the environment: its environmental protection efforts have been developed as a “global” mission, while its action to protect the environment has been deeply rooted in its efforts to recycle within all “local” communities. In turn, such benevolent acts for the environment transform its recycled “local” resources into “global” disaster relief items such as its high-tech blankets made from PET bottles. We see in Tzu Chi a successful example that demonstrates how its volunteers carry out their “community practice ethics” through a series of local environmental protection operations to recycle and process all kinds of resources. The whole set of operational mechanism produces concrete healing results for the body, mind, and spirit of individuals, their families, the whole society, and even the earth. Its overall benefits cannot be measured or described with precise quantitative terms. Thus, with a double identity as “a Buddhist insider” and “a Tzu Chi outsider,” the author shall map out the logical and dialectical connections between “religion” and “environmental protection,” connections among scriptural evidences, factual proofs, and logical support, connections among “the Buddha’s mind,” “the mentor’s will,” and “the paths of ourselves,” connections between “insiders” and “outsiders,” as well as the connections between “globalization” and “localization.”
目次 | 一、宗教環保的「教證」與「理證」 74 二、宗教環保還要加入「事證」 76 三、「理證」於宗教環保所扮演的角色 77 四、知、行「相即」,做、學「相入」 78 五、「行入」以落實「社區倫理」 81 六、結語 83
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
ヒット数 | 746 |
作成日 | 2014.09.22 |
更新日期 | 2020.06.09 |
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