The Role of Mindfulness in Hospice & Palliative Care in Taiwan=正念在台灣安寧緩和照顧的運用模式 |
著者 |
Huimin, Bhikkhu (著)=釋惠敏 (au.)
掲載誌 |
安寧療護=Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care
巻号 | v.17 n.2 (總號=n.61) |
出版年月日 | 2012.07.01 |
ページ | 200 - 209 |
出版者 | 臺灣安寧照顧協會 |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 英文=English |
キーワード | Hospice & Palliative Care=安寧緩和照顧; clinical Buddhist chaplaincy=臨床佛教宗教師; spiritual care=靈性照顧; mindfulnessbased care=正念照顧; Triune Brain Model=三重腦理論 |
抄録 | Hospice palliative care aims at providing all-encompassing services for patients with terminal diseases suffering from physical, mental, social and spiritual symptoms and pain.Since clinical Buddhist chaplaincy training has been practiced for more than 10 years in Taiwan, there are two topics 1 would like to discuss below: (1) the comparison between spiritual care and mindfulness-based care: body, mind, and spirit as compared with body, feeling, mind, and Dharma; and (2) the relationship between the Fourfold Mindful Establishment and the triune brain model (i.e., the innermost reptilian brain, the old mammalian brain, and the neocortex).
安寧緩和照顧的目標是提供具有生理、心理、社會與靈性痛苦之癌末病人「全人」的服務。因為,佛教臨床宗教師培訓已經在台灣實施有超過10年了,我將討論如下二個主題:(1)靈性照顧之「身、心、靈」模式與正念為基礎的照顧模式「身、受、心、法」的比較;(2)「身、受、心、法」四念住的禪修與「三重腦理論」(『爬蟲類型的腦』的腦幹、『原始哺乳類型的腦』的大腦舊皮質、『新哺乳類型的腦』的大腦新皮質)的關係。 |
目次 | The Beginnings and Development of Christian Hospice Care 201 How to Choose the Right Term for Buddhist "Spiritual" Care Models for Hospices? 201 Care of Mindfulness: Body, Feeling, Mind, and Dharma 202 A Comparison of Spiritual Care and Care of Mindfulness 203 Another Comparison of Spiritual Care and Care of Mindfulness 204 How to Understand the Fourfold Establishment of Mindfulness from the Perspective of Brain Research? 205 A Personal Reflection on the Relationship between the Fourfold Establishment of Mindfulness and the Triune Brain Model 205 The Relationship between the breathing Establishment of Mindfulness and the Reptilian Brain of the Triune Brian Model 206 The relationship between the Emotional Establishment Mindfulness and the Limbic System of the Triune Brain Model 206 The Relationship between the Mental Establishment of Mindfulness and the Neocortex of the Triune Brain Model 207 Conclusion 207
ISSN | 18127266 (P); 18127266 (E) |
DOI | 10.6537/TJHPC.2012.17(2).6 |
ヒット数 | 1220 |
作成日 | 2014.10.20 |
更新日期 | 2019.12.16 |

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