敦煌寫本 S.2078V「史大奈碑」習字之研究=A Study of the Student Writing Practice “Stele for Shi Danai” |
著者 |
游自勇 (著)=You, Zi-yong (au.)
掲載誌 |
International Conference at Princeton University=普林斯頓大學學術國際研討會
出版年月日 | 2014.09.06 - 08 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | New Jersey, US [紐澤西州, 美國] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:首都師範大學歷史學院 |
抄録 | 敦煌寫本S.2078背面的習字部分,經整理復原後是一篇隋末唐初突厥人史大奈的神道碑文。大業七年史大奈隨西突厥處羅可汗入隋,留居中原,參與了隋煬帝時期的高麗之戰。隋唐易代之際他追隨李淵、李世民東征西戰,為李唐王朝的建立與鞏固作出了不少貢獻,被賜姓史氏,死後陪葬昭陵。史大奈作為一位蕃將在隋唐兩朝扮演了許多重要的角色,官方為其撰寫的神道碑著力凸顯其歸義與忠勇的角色。碑文傳到敦煌以後,在歸義軍政權時期,史大奈對大唐帝國忠義的形象受到歡迎,神道碑文遂成為寺學教育的素材。從神道碑文到習字範本,「史大奈碑」文本形態的轉換並未削弱其原初的精神內涵,相反,在歸義軍統治下的敦煌,這種精神內涵得到了強化。因此,經典知識、文學作品作為學郎習字的範本被反復抄錄,這也是知識傳播過程中的重要一環。
This article discusses the student writing practice on the back of the Dunhuang manuscript S.2078. The text of the practice came from the stele inscription for Shi Danai, who was of Turkic descent and lived in the time of the Late Sui and Early Tang. In the seventh year of Daye (611), Shi Danai came to the Sui with Chuluo the Qaghan of the left and then participated in the battle against Korean during the reign of Emperor Yangdi. During the Sui-Tang transition, Shi Danai followed the lead of Li Yuan and Li Shimin, making great contribution to the establishment and consolidation of the Tang Empire. Therefore, Emperor Taizong awarded him the surname “Shi”, as well as the special honor to be buried around the mausoleum of Taizong after death. His biography was engraved on the stele in front of his grave. As a foreign military commander employed by Chinese government, Shi Danai played diverse roles in the Sui and Tang dynasties. The Tang officials, however, chose to highligh his loyalty and bravery in his stele inscription. In the time when the Guiyi Army governed Dunhuang, the loyal image of Shi was so popular that Dunhuang temples used the text of his inscription in the education they provided for local monks and children. The transformation of the format— from stele inscription to copybook—did not undermine the essential meaning of the original texts. Instead, it was strengthened in Dunhuang under the governance of Guiyi Army. In this sense, adopting classical and literary works as copybooks that would be repeatedly copied by students constituted an important part of the transmission of knowledge.
ヒット数 | 295 |
作成日 | 2015.01.15 |
更新日期 | 2015.08.17 |
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