

当書目の情報提供者は 李玉珉老師 です
中国南北朝時代の如来像着衣の研究(上)=A Study of the Robes of Buddha Images in the Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (Part I)
著者 岡田健 (著)=Okada, Ken (au.) ; 石松日奈子 (著)=Ishimatsu, Hinako (au.)
掲載誌 美術研究=Bijutsu Kenkyu : the Journal of Art Studies=ビジュツ ケンキュウ
ページ1 - 23
出版者東京文化財研究所=National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo
出版サイト http://www.tobunken.go.jp/index_j.html
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード服裝; 佛衣樣式; 炳霊寺石窟第一六九窟無量寿仏坐像(中国 甘粛省永靖); 雲崗石窟第六窟東壁上層如来立像(中国 山西省大同); 石造如来坐像(中国 四川省博物館蔵); 龍門石窟賓陽中洞本尊如来坐像(中国 河南省洛陽)袈裟着用法; 内衣; 結紐; 裳懸座; 肉体露出
抄録 From the time of their inception in Mathura and Gandhara, images of the Buddha were shown wearing the same garments as those of actual monks. These simple robes consisted of a kāṣāya (袈裟 J. kesa), a broad sewn cloth which was draped around the body and a nivāsana (涅槃僧 J. nehanzō) which was wrapped tightly around the lower torso. In some instances monks wore a second undergarment known as a saṃkakşikā (僧祇支 J. sōgishi). When Buddhist images were introduced to China, their garments continued to follow these conventions, however, distinctive Sinicized treatments appeared as well. this essay is an investigation of the treatment of the robes of Buddhist images during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (4th -6th centuries), when these transformations were the most conspicuous, throught an examination of actual works.
This essay explores three main points:
1) The way in which kāṣāya were depicted (on Buddhist images).
2) the treatment of the undergarments (known in Japanese as naie 内衣) and the knotted cord often shown at the base of the chest.
3) The form and treatment of draped pedestals
(the cascade of folds of the kāṣāya and nivāsana on seated images known in Japanese as mokakeza 裳懸座).
It is possible to isolate two characteristics in the changes of these three elements over time. The first is that the changes in the treatment of the kāsāya resulted in a treatment that reveals less of
the underlying body. The second is that Chinese style robes were adopted for the undergarments.
The essay then examines the sources and the background of these changes. The reasons for the decrease in the volume of the underlying body can most likely be attributed to the fact that there existed no taradition of the nude in the Chinese cultural sphere. The sense of form in India and the West that reveals the human body was not readily accepted in China. Rather, it can be thought that the Chinese found greater artistry in a clear delineation of the detailed folds of a garment or in a more painterly treatment of carved lines.
Moreover, the Chinese style garments adopted for the undergarments and the nivāsana were similar to those worn by emperors and scholar officials. Thus, the adoption of this style of garment can be thought to have made the image of Buddha more approachable for lay believers of high status. During this period the Buddhist faith prospered under the Northern Wei, and the emperor and his subjects converted to Buddhism. In particular, the belief distinctive to the Northern Wei that the emperor was the equivalent of the Buddha can be thought to have been a major reason for the increasing similarity in the treatment of images of the Buddha and portraits of the emperor. The seated image of Buddha at the Binyangzhongdong cave at Lungmen commissioned by Emperor Xiaowen is a typical Chinese-style image that must have been carved in this context.
目次はじめに 1
一、 袈裟の着用法 2
1、 涼州式偏袒右肩 3
2、 中国の通肩 5
3、 雲岡第六窟式袈裟 6
4、 龍門賓陽中洞本尊式袈裟 11
二、 內衣と結紐 13
1、 內衣の出現 13
2、 中国の如来像の内衣と結紐 14
a、 僧祗支 14
b、 両肩を覆う紐付きの衣 14
c、 襟を打ち合わせる衣 16
d、 偏衫 17
e、 結紐について 17
図版要項 23
ISSN00219088 (P)

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