敦煌莫高窟第285窟北壁供養人像和供養人題記=Donor Figures and Chinese Inscriptions on the North Wall Paintings of Mogao Cave 285 at Dunhuang |
著者 |
石松日奈子 (著)=Ishimatsu, Hinako (au.)
筱原典生 (著)=Norio, Shinphara (au.)
于春 (著)=Yu, Chun (au.)
掲載誌 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
巻号 | n.1 (總號=n.155) |
出版年月日 | 2016.02 |
ページ | 12 - 25 |
出版者 | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:清泉女子大學; 中央民族大學民族學與社會學學院; 西安美術學院藝術考古所 |
キーワード | 莫高窟第285窟=Mogao Cave 285; 供養人像=donor figures; 題記=inscriptions; 北方系胡服=non-Chinese costumes from the north; 西方系胡服=non-Chinese costumes from the west |
抄録 | 敦煌莫高窟第285窟(西魏)的營造過程,歷來有兩種解釋:其一是窟內的塑像和壁畫統一規劃制作,各壁面的造像內容相互關聯;其二是按照西壁→南壁和天井→北壁和東壁的順序依次制作,由于施工途中計劃改變,導入了新的構思和中原風格等壁畫樣式。筆者贊同后者之說。通過對北壁壁畫的圖像、樣式、畫技、材料、色彩、供養人像的構成和服裝、供養人題記等進行詳細分析,認為七幅壁畫由四個不同的畫家團隊繪制。七幅說法圖是漢族和胡族的混血家族集團成員的小規模供奉。第285窟可能是原本作為僧人修行場所的莫高窟,對在家信徒開放供奉的初例。
There are currently two prevailing interpretations on the process of construction of Mogao Cave285 in Dunhuang dated to the Western Wei period. One is that all sculptures and paintings in the cave were produced under a consistent plan and that the sculptures and paintings on each wall represent interrelated subjects. The other is that decorations of the cave were first made on the west wall, next on the south wall and ceiling, and lastly on the north and east walls, and that some change was made in the original plan to introduce new ideas and painting styles from the Central Plains. Supporting the latter interpretation, the author of this article thoroughly examines the paintings on the north wall, including the styles, techniques, materials, way of applying pigments, composition of donors, clothing, and Chinese inscriptions added to the images, and considers that the seven preaching scenes painted on the north wall were completed by four different groups of painters.The author further observes that the seven preaching scenes could be small-sized donations offered by some various families of Chinese and non-Chinese Hu and regards Cave 285 as one of the early cases in which the Mogao Caves- hitherto a place reserved exclusively for monks’ practices- were opened to lay believers. |
目次 | 一 第285窟的研究焦點 二 作為禪定窟的第285窟形制及內容 三 北壁七幅說法圖的題記和供養人像 四 莫高窟北朝期供養人像服飾的演變 五 北壁說法圖的分類和繪製順序 六 結語:東陽王元榮和北壁說法圖
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
ヒット数 | 618 |
作成日 | 2016.06.15 |
更新日期 | 2018.05.31 |

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