

儒釋衝突與調和 -- 近現代臺灣與韓國漢傳佛教比較=The Conflict andReconciliation Between Confucianism and Buddhism: the Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan and Korea’s Intercultural Communication
著者 朴永煥 (著)=Park, Yung-hwan (au.)
掲載誌 求法與弘法:漢傳佛教的跨文化交流國際研討會論文集=Seeking Dharma, Spreading Dharma: Cross-Cultural Interactions of Chinese Buddhism
ページ523 - 566
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類專題研究論文=Research Paper
抄録自二十幾年前,我首次到臺灣留學以來,一直思考一個問題:韓國與臺灣的文化差異。具體地說,臺灣佛教爲何那麽興盛?韓國與臺灣社會的儒家價值觀爲何不同?這兩個小宏觀的問題不時地浮現在我的腦海裏。從這些實際情況出發,這兩年我試圖探討我思考的問題。2011年5月14日, 由臺灣宗教學會主辦,在中央硏究院開的中華民國建國100周年紀念『建國百年宗敎回顧與展望國際學術硏討會』上發表我粗淺的見解:“佛教於當代臺灣社會中所展現的風貌及影響——兼論其與韓國佛教的異同”;2012年8月,由韓國中國學會主辦,在韓國延世大學開的“第32次中國學國際學術大會”上,發表小作“儒佛道宗教思想與當代臺灣社會”。

Why there are so big differences between Taiwan’s and Korea’s Chinese Buddhism will be further discussed in this paper based on the existing studies. This is a very interesting and important subject. The research will be done on four terms which include the analysis of the development of Taiwan’s and Korea’s Chinese Buddhism from the angle of the conflict and reconciliation between Confucianism and Buddhism, what actually is the reason of Chinese Buddhism’s boom in Taiwan, and the development of Chinese Buddhism in Korea. Firstly, comparing the religious notions of Korea dynasty’s and Ming dynasty’s officials through the 16th century’s records of Ming district’s culture in Fujian Province which is one root of Taiwan culture to realize that Ming’s officials held inclusive religious notion of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism’s mélange, but Korea’s officials held the religious notion of overwhelming Confucianism and outcasting heresies. Secondly, the notion of taking Confucianism as the model and Buddhism as the complement which based on the combination of three religions was still kept in Taiwan district during the late Ming and early Qing periods, but the notion of Neo-Confucianism was still kept from early to late Korean dynasty and the view of outcasting other heresies was always existing, too. Thirdly, the consciousness against tradition appeared in Taiwan Buddhism during the Japanese occupation that not only laid the groundwork for women’s independent position, but also improved Buddhist status and decreased the gulf between the Confucian scholars and the monks with the increasing anti-traditional consciousness and the decadent traditional notion of class. On the other hand, the modernizing trend of establishing education institute of a new type had appeared in Korean Buddhism during the Japanese occupation. However, Korean Buddhism in this period largely relied on Japanese Buddhism and attempted the reviving development of Korean Buddhism. This dependence becomed deeper and deeper that made the opposition and contradiction appear between the pro-Japanese mainstream Religious Affairs Institution which betrayed the nation and the nonofficeholding General Affairs Institution which emphasized nation and independence. Fourthly, a space for the development of modern Taiwan Buddhism in the present age is made due to the diversity of cultural and academic thoughts and the decadent view and tradition of the extremely conservative Neo-Confucianism. But in Korea, the centralized Buddhist system and thought which started from Korean dynasty has been continued because of the unification view of Confucianism and resulted in the anomalies that is unfavorable to Buddhism’s development. Therefore, we can know that this kind of centralized system has more negative factors to Korean Buddhism’s whole development and does not fit this diversified age. As regards diversity and unification, this is not only a very interesting phenomenon, but also

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