Is "Vijnaptimatra" ontological or epistemological idealism?=「唯識」是本體論的唯心主張或是認識論的唯心主張? |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
巻号 | n.77 |
出版年月日 | 2016.06.25 |
ページ | 113 - 166 |
出版者 | 正觀雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | 作者為Ph.D. Student of Graduate Institute of Religious studies of NCCU |
キーワード | 唯識; 本體論的唯心主張/認識論的唯心主張; 《唯識二十頌論》; 《唯識三十頌》; 《成唯識論》; 《解深密經》; Cheng Wei Shi Lun; CWSL; Sandhinirmocanasūtra; Vijñaptimātra; Ontological idealism/Epistemological idealism; Vimśatikāvijñaptimātratāsiddhi; Triṃśikāvijñaptimātratā |
抄録 | 關於「唯識」到底是主張本體論的唯心或是認識論的唯心,一直以來學術界都沒有定論而爭論不休。令人既稱奇又困惑的是,辯論的兩造經常引用相同的經文經典,甚至相同的文句,但卻各執全然不同的詮釋和結論。本文試著專注於辯論兩造時常爭鋒相對的經典文獻,包括《唯識二十頌論》、《唯識三十頌》、《成唯識論》、《解深密經》、《瑜珈師地論》和《攝大乘論》,回顧辯論兩造如何援用相同的經文論點,然而卻做不同的論述。希望藉著更了解辯論兩造間的差異的可能來源,以減少不必要的困惑和偏差,並且試著異中求同。回顧文獻發現幾個可能導致爭論的因素:深植於佛教傳統中的宇宙觀和心理觀間的模稜兩可的關係;對於梵文名詞"Vijnanaparinama"翻譯的不同;如何理解經典將禪修經驗普遍化到一般生活經驗的說法;對於瑜珈派經典間和瑜珈派傳承世系中連貫的不同期待,及是否適用內插法。最後,本文建議,對於本體論唯心主張的取捨和對於「唯識」是否主張本體論的唯心的判斷,是不同的議題,適合分開處理。
There has been no academic agreement on whether “Vijñaptimātra” (Consciousness-only) should be understood to advocate ontological idealism or epistemological idealism. What is amusing and confusing is that there are several occasions that both sides of the debate are reading same texts or even referring to the same paragraph but interpreting it in totally different way. This article is intended to draw attention to those texts and paragraphs from Vimśatikāvijñaptimātratāsiddhi, Triṃśikāvijñaptimātratā, Cheng Wei Shi Lun (CWSL), Sandhinirmocanasūtra, Yogācārabhūmi, Mahāyāna-samgraha where both sides of the debate confront each other with their competing arguments. The purpose is to understand better where the possible differences are coming from in the hope to reduce some confusion/bias and to find common denominator if any. Discussion finds the debates might be attributed to several factors: the deep-rooted equivocal relationship between cosmology and psychology in Buddhist tradition; different translations of the key term “vijñānapariṇāma”; how to understand the generalization from meditation practice experience to ordinary experience; and what to expect regarding the coherence among Yogācāra texts and within Yogācāra lineage and whether and where the interoperation should be applied. Last, it is suggested that whether ontological idealist theory is making perfect sense and whether “Vijñaptimātra” be understood as ontological idealism should be decoupled and addressed as different topics.
目次 | Abstract 113 Introduction 115 Vimsatikavijnaptimatratasiddhi 1. Support for ontological idealism 118 2. Refutation against ontological idealism 125 Trimsikavijnaptimatrata 1. Support for ontological idealism 130 2. Refutation against ontological idealism 132 Cheng Wei Shi Lun (CWSL) 1. Support for ontological idealism 137 2. Refutation against ontological idealism 143 Sandhinirmocanasutra, Yogacarabhumi, Mahayana-samgraha 1. Refutation against ontological idealism 148 2. Support for ontological idealism 150 Discussion 155 Reference 162
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
ヒット数 | 667 |
作成日 | 2016.07.18 |
更新日期 | 2017.09.07 |

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