《菩提道次第略論》之生命教育=The Life Education of Tsong Kha pa’s the Middle Stages of the Path of Enlightenment |
著者 |
許鶴瀞 (撰)=Hsu, Ho-ching (compose)
出版年月日 | 2012 |
ページ | 172 |
出版者 | 輔仁大學宗教學系 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 佛光大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教學系 |
指導教官 | 許明銀 |
卒業年 | 100 |
キーワード | 生命教育=Life Education; 道次第=the stages of path; 菩提道次第略論=The Middle Stages of the Path of Enlightenment |
抄録 | 人都有想要脫離痛苦,尋找快樂的本能。卻也因此為自己招來更大的苦難。主因,是我們把快樂定義在膚淺和消極的物欲上,茫然的追求生物的和情緒感官的滿足,而無法體認眼前生命的可貴與短暫。雖然在理智上都清楚自己總有死亡的一天,但是在心理上,總是逃避這項早晚會來的事實,但誰能保證自己還可以安然度過到明天?如此般的錯覺也反映在我們今日的教育之中,除了知識的提供外,少的正是人生命的意義、心靈的成長。 所以,教育必須扣緊經驗,而不只是紙上談兵。最重要的是,學生應該得到教導,學會觀察行動的真實後果,而不是人云亦云的盲目跟從。並且生命教育會是在人生的全程中不斷的呈現,是需要終身學習,不斷修正與超越的。而宗教是內化人生命之內,學佛就是重大的生命工程,是一趟學習成長超越和覺悟之旅。將佛法融入生活裡,藉此修正以往錯誤的言行,透過佛學「以習養性,以性成習」,讓生命獲得重生。
在西藏佛教偉大的成就者宗喀巴大師(Tsong kha pa﹐1357-1419),所著作的《菩提道次第略論》,是一部結合小乘和大乘經文的卓越教義,其中所言的「修行次第」,就是他個人親身的修證過程,並且是歷代祖師必經之路,更是佛的教化。主要就是扣著人性存有的探索與實踐,所以整個的「修學次第」,是採取漸進修行逐步調心,將小我擴大到大我,從愛己利己到愛人忘我的菩薩。試著從宗喀巴的「修行次第」教導中探討他,怎樣引領一位修學者,在修行之中建立正確的修學態度、修學者在經歷過整個修學後的生命有哪些轉化,有哪些生命教育的面向,是值得後人的借鏡與學習。
People have desired to get rid of suffering and look for happiness by instinct. And thus attract even greater suffering for themselves, as it is our defined in the superficial and negative on the desire of happiness, pursuing biological and emotional sense of satisfaction blindly, is unable to realize life's impermanent. Though intellectually know there is always the day of death, but psychologically, always escape it sooner to the facts. But, who can guarantee that they can survive until tomorrow ? This kind of illusion is also reflected in today's education. In addition to knowledge we have got, we need to realize the meaning of life and have spiritual growth.
So, the education must be fastened with experience, and not just on paper. Most important is that students should be taught how to observe the consequences of actions, rather than conform blindly. The Life Education will show continually throughout the life which will need lifelong learning and continuous correction and transcend. Religion is within human life. Buddhism is a major project to life , and it is also a journey of learning and growth beyond, and attaining enlightenment. Let the Dharma go into our daily life to correct our wrong words and action in the past. We can use habit to cultivate our behavior and also make our behavior become good habit through the Buddhism. Let our life reborn again. There was a great achievement of master Tsong kha pa (1357-1419) in Tibetan Buddhism, His works "The Middle Stages of the Path of Enlightenment" which was combined with the profound sutra of small and great vehicles. It said "the stage of practice" is his process of practice and testimony, and is also the way of ancient Patriarchs. Moreover, it is the teaching of the Buddha. Its main teaching follows with exploration and practice of human nature. Therefore, the entire "the stages of path" is to practice gradually and regulate the mind. And most important is to be the bodhisattva, from love ourselves to love others and forget ourselves.
From Tsong kha pa teaching of “the stages of path", we can find out how he led a practicer to build right practice attitude. And what kinds of transformation a practicer will get after the entire practice. Also what kind of areas of the Life Education will worth later generations as reference and learning?
目次 | 目 錄
第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與方法 7 第三節 文獻回顧 9 第四節 研究架構 19
第二章 生命教育的基礎-尊師與重道 21 第一節 禮敬歷代善知識 22 第二節 禮敬本論作者 38 第三節 《略論》的殊勝 49
第三章 生命教育的方法-教法與規範 63 第一節 聽說教法 64 第二節 依止教法 77 第三節 加行教法 92 第四節 修法規則 101
第四章 生命教育的實踐—轉化與昇華 107 第一節 生起必修的信念 108 第二節 共下士道修心法 115 第三節 共中士道修心法 131 第四節 上士道修心法 144
第五章 結論 159
参考書目 169 |
ヒット数 | 579 |
作成日 | 2016.08.23 |
更新日期 | 2023.04.25 |

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