

聖嚴法師的觀音思想與法門研究=A Research on Venerable Sheng-yen’s Thoughts and Methods of Avalokiteśvara
著者 黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.)
掲載誌 聖嚴研究:第十輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.10
ページ177 - 221
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類專題研究論文=Research Paper
Associate Professor, Nanhua University
キーワード聖嚴法師= Venerable Sheng-yen; 觀音思想= thought of Avalokiteśvara; 觀音法門=method of Avalokiteśvara; 觀音經典=Avalokiteśvara canons; 人間淨土=pure land in this world

Venerable Sheng-yen had contacted with Avalokiteśvara belief since his early childhood and practiced much the methods of Avalokiteśvara throughout his life, especially when there were obstacles to learning the Dharma and develop Buddhist undertakings. Through the chanting of the Bodhisattva’s name or Mahākaruṇā Mantra, he experienced religious responses, and the difficulties were solved magically. In his later years, he confirmed the Dharma Drum Mountain as a holy land of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva. He indeed had a close relationship with Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva. As a Buddhist scholar and a Buddhist practitioner, in his discourses on Avalokiteśvara canons, the academic prospective and the prospective drew from canons are interweaved, but they are not mutually contradicted, for the textual criticism from the academic viewpoint is mainly used to illustrate the time and environment in which a text circulated, and is associated with some limitations and not as important as the thoughts and practices deduced from the canon itself. It is not due to the academic interest for Venerable Sheng-yen to expound the Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva canons, but to his compassion and wisdom to teach dharma to the general Buddhists.
Personal religious experience is indescribable. As to Venerable Sheng-yen’s thoughts and practices associated with Avalokiteśvara, we could understand by reading his commentaries on Avalokiteśvara canons:The Chapter of Universal Door (Pu Men Pin) teaches chanting the bodhisattva’s name mindfully and the spirit of great compassionate mind. The Six-Syllable Mantra encourages chanting the mantra and is a symbol of compassion and wisdom. The Mantra of Boddhisattva with White Robe is used to eliminate calamities and turn into good fortune. The Avalokiteśvara canon of Ten Sentences to Prolong Life is chanted for the elimination of deceases and Karma obstacles, and then converting to the Tree Treasures to learn Dharma. The Great Compassion Mantra is chanted to fulfill all kinds of desire, even the aspiration to become a Buddha. The Chapter of Cultivating Perfect Penetration of the EarOrganin the Surangama Sutra expounds the profound thought and method of returning back to the true nature of sound. And the Heart Sutra shows the meditation of the emptiness of five aggregates. Venerable Sheng-yen did not negate the religious experiences of response from practicing the methods of Avalokiteśvara, but he encouraged the practitioners go more ahead by submitting oneself to the Tree Treasures, cultivating according to the true dharma, and heading to the realization of truth. Among his commentaries on Avalokiteśvara canons, Venerable Sheng-yen placed emphasis on the Surangama Sutra and the Heart Sutra, the thoughts and methods of these two canons are in line with those of Chan meditation and the contemplating of unobstructed emptiness.
Venerable Sheng-yen dedicated his life to developing a pure land in this world. The purification of this human world depends on the collective efforts made by people at large according to the right Dharma. He declared the Dharma Drum Maintain as a holy and of Avalokiteśvara, and encouraged the followers of Dharma Drum Maintain to be confident of becoming the embodiment
目次一、引言 179
二、從聖嚴法師與觀音菩薩的因緣談起 180
三、救濟型觀音經典的教導與深化 188
(一)〈觀世音菩薩普門品〉 189
(二)《大悲心陀羅尼經》 194
(三)其他救濟型觀音經典 199
四、智慧型觀音經典的詮釋與指導 203
(一)《心經》的觀自在法門 204
(二)《楞嚴經》的耳根圓通法門 208
五、結論 213
參考文獻 216
英文摘要 219

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