

大藏經古籍版面調查研究 ─ 以《嘉興藏》與《弘教藏》行款為例=Survey and Research on Tripitaka Ancient Book Layout Sample Study on the Formation of "Jiaxing Tripitaka" and "Hongjiao Tripitaka"
著者 曾啟雄 (著)=Tseng, Chi-shoung (au.) ; 洪藝慈 (著)=Hung, I-tzu (au.)
掲載誌 科技學刊. 人文社會類
巻号v.22 n.1
ページ35 - 50
出版地雲林縣, 臺灣 [Yunlin hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード版面編輯=layout editing; 行款=formation; 嘉興藏=Jiaxing Tripitaka; 弘教藏=Hongjiao Tripitaka; 大藏經=Tripitaka
抄録本研究以國家圖書館子部釋家類彙編明萬曆間至清初遞刊本《嘉興藏本萬曆方冊本》佛經版刻本善本書396部以及國立臺北故宮博物院所藏子部釋家類經律論疏之屬日本明治 14至 18年《東京弘教書院縮印本》鉛字排印本 417部為對象,以文獻比較之論述方式進行。主體是以現代設計中之版面編輯要素的行款部份做調查,透過實際觀察、整理、記錄,透過文字排列形式的數量統計,企圖從行款中的卷題及排列形式關係中,整理出《嘉興藏》及《弘教藏》佛經刻書行款的規律性原則。研究發現:《嘉興藏》及《弘教藏》經題名的落點處都以卷端起始行第一字為起點;譯作者名每一著作的相關人名各佔一行來表現,有 60部;日本《弘教藏》譯作者名的特色,即是大多以單行各佔一行的方式呈現,有 96部,其界欄行線與譯作者名空格之字間,全部都是空 6字間,非常統一。《嘉興藏》及《弘教藏》小題字頂格者為最多,文章首行及次行、音釋首行及次行的編排方式,也大多為頂格。

This research focused on the Dikan edition scripture of the“Jiaxing Lengyen Temple Ancient Book Tripitaka”, a collection of 396 Buddhist scripture rare books from the Wangli period of the Ming Dynasty to the early stage of the Qing Dynasty, listed in the category of Zi-Bu-Shi-Jia-Lei and collected by the National Central Library and the lead-character-printed 417 books of “Tokyo Hognjiao Academy Compact Edition,” which dated back between 14th and 18th year of the Meiji Dynasty in Japan, listed in the category of Zi-Bu-Shi-Jia-Lei-Jin-Lu- Lun- Shu and collected by the National Palace Museum. This research was conducted through the comparison of ancient books. Major part of this research is investigation on formation which is the layout editing element of modern design. Through actual observation, organizing, recording as well as statistics on the number of character layout styles, this research attempted to sort out routine principles of Buddhist scripture formation on “Jiaxing Tripitaka” and “Hongjiao Tripitaka” from the relationship between topics and layout forms among formation. Discovery of the research: topic locations for “Jiaxing Tripitaka” and “Hongjiao Tripitaka” both start with the first character of the beginning of the volumes. For the names of authors and translators, there are 60 books that come with a single column for each of related persons’ names. As for characteristics for the names of authors and translators for Japanese version of “Hongjiao Tripitaka,” most of them were presented in a way of one column for a single line. There are 96 of them that come with such characteristics. The space between column lines and author/translator names is universal, with a room of 6 characters. “Jiaxing Tripitaka” and “Hongjiao Tripitaka” come with the most instances of sub-title characters reaching top of columns. In the meantime, characters for most of their layout styles for the first lines of chapters, pronunciation explanations as well as the second lines also reach top of columns.
目次I.前言 35
1.1 研究動機 35
1.2 研究方法與目的 36
1.3 研究範例 36
II.文獻探討 36
III.《嘉興藏》與《弘教藏》的成書背景 37
IV.《嘉興藏》與《弘教藏》之行款表現 38
4.1 經題名 38
4.2 譯作者名 39
4.3 小題 42
4.4 本文首行 43
4.5 本文次行 44
4.6 本文首行與次行組合變化 45
4.7 音譯首行與次行組合變化 46
V.結論 47
參考文獻 48

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