杭州飛來峰元至元二十九年造像題記疏證=A Study of the Inscriptions with Date of the Twenty-ninth Year of Zhiyuan of the Feilai Peak in Hangzhou at Yuan Dynasty |
著者 |
許正弘 (著)=Hsu, Cheng-hung (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.17 |
出版年月日 | 2016.12 |
ページ | 61 - 87 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:國立清華大學歷史研究所
キーワード | 楊璉真伽=Yang Rin-chen rgya; 楊暗普=Yang An-p’u; 闊闊真=Kökejin; 南必=Nambui; 行宣政院=Xing Xuanzheng Yuan |
抄録 | 杭州飛來峰元代石刻造像題記,今存廿餘條,都是研究當時開龕造像歷史的寶貴材料,其中兩條至元二十九年(1292)的題記更是藉以探討元代宗教與政治的重要線索。本文取為討論依據,先釋錄記文,說明其史料價值和可能疑義,進而聚焦於造像功德主與功德回向對象兩個問題,試圖抉隱發微,追索「文字背後的歷史真相」。藉由疏理和檢討前人考證成果,應能肯定兩條題記所見的兩位楊姓功德主,就是楊璉真伽及其子楊暗普。考定的結果,這兩條題記可說是楊氏父子歷官的獨家記載,有助於重新思考他們的政治地位,以及行宣政院設立初期的定位。而楊氏父子造像活動顯然帶有強烈的政治色彩,功德回向對象的行款和序列經過精心安排——在當朝皇帝之後,選列已故皇太子真金遺孀闊闊真及其二子。經過疏證,不僅可將題記視為真金元妃闊闊真生子問題的佐證,也對其中闕載世祖南必皇后之名有所解釋。
This paper examines two valuable inscriptions engraved on the Feilai Peak in Hangzhou with date of the twenty-ninth year of Zhiyuan at Yuan dynasty. The main goal of this study is to identify personages mentioned as sponsors in the inscriptions, point out the value of the royals’ titles not found elsewhere, and explore the significance of these rare materials in the context of Mongol-Yuan religion and politics. The paper investigates some literature resources and comes to a conclusion that the two sponsors were Yang Rin-chen rgya and his son Yang An-p’u. These two inscriptions could be regarded as exclusive records about their offices, and help to rethink about the initial stage of the Xing Xuanzheng Yuan establishment. They were also presented as indirect evidences about Kökejin who had three natural sons and Nambui’s son who died young. |
目次 | 一、前言 63 二、造像題記及其功德主 64 三、功德回向對象及其寓意 71 (一)真金元妃闊闊真生子問題的佐證 73 (二)世祖南必皇后闕載原因及其意義 78 四、結論 81 |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
ヒット数 | 768 |
作成日 | 2017.01.19 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.28 |

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