

從佛像服飾和題材佈局及仿帳、仿木構再論麥積山北朝窟龕分期=Restudies on the Periodization of the Caves and Niches of the Northern Dynasties at Maijishan Grottoes Based on the Costume Styles of the Buddha Images,Arrangements of Motifs and the Imitations of Canopies and Wooden Structures
著者 陳悅新 (著)=Chen, Yue-xin (au.)
掲載誌 考古學報=Acta Archaeologica Sinica
ページ29 - 58+163 - 165
出版サイト http://www.cass.net.cn/y_03/y_03_38kgyjs.html
出版地北京, 中國 [Beijing, China]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード麥積山石窟; 窟龕; 北朝; 木構建築; 題材; 菩薩; 分期與年代; 造像; 服飾; 佈局
抄録目次一引言二佛像服飾和題材佈局及仿帳、仿木構的類型排比三北朝窟龕的分期與年代四結語一引言麥積山地處秦嶺西端北麓,位於天水市東南,距市區45公里,山高142米。窟龕群就開鑿在陡峭壁立的南向崖面上[1],最低的洞窟距地面20米,最高者距地面達80米[2]。因潮濕多雨,又幾經地震,崖壁中部崩塌較甚,一般將遺存窟龕分佈劃作西崖和東崖兩個區域。 1941年初度調查編號121個窟龕,1953年編號增至194個,本世紀初又三度補編,現麥積山窟龕號共

The Maijishan Grottoes have 221 numbered caves and niches,of which the ones opened in the Northern Dynasties,have the most quantity,the largest scale and the longest duration.Since the 1980s,the issue of the periodization of Majishan Grottoes has been continuously concerned by the scholars.Based on the previous researches by these scholars,this paper selects the costume styles of the Buddha images,the arrangements of motifs and 99 caves and niches with relatively complete imitations of canopies and wooden structures preserved inor in front of them to study with methods of archaeological typology and then discusses the periodization of the caves and niches of Maijishan Grottoes.By the evolution sequences of the abovementioned contents,the caves and niches of Maijishan Grottoes can be divided into five phases.Referring to the caves and niches with exact dates or clearer evolution sequences in Yungang,Longmen,Xiangtang Shan Grottoes of the Northern Dynasties and the Qixiashan Grottoes of the Southern Dynasties opened with the sponsors by the imperial court or aristocrats and the Buddhist sculptures of the Southern Dynasties unearthed in Chengdu region,as well as the historic literature and the inscriptions,this paper speculates that the Phase Ⅰ of Maijishan Grottoes corresponds to the beginning of the reign of Emperor Xiaowen(471 AD)to the Jingming Era in the reign of Emperor Xuanwu(500-503 AD),Phase Ⅱcorresponds to the Jingming Era(500-503 AD)to the downfall of the Northern Wei Dynasty(534 AD),Phase Ⅲ corresponds to the Western Wei Dynasty(535-556 AD),PhaseⅣ corresponds to the Northern Zhou Dynasty(before the Dharma Disaster,557-574 AD)and Phase Ⅴ,the Sui Dynasty(581-618 AD).The difference of this paper’s periodization from the previous ones is that the contents of the remains subjected to typological analyses in this paper are more clear and definite;what special is that the costume styles of the Buddha images,which are preserved relatively intact and have the longest temporal duration and the widest spatial scope,are subject to the typological analyses.The new conclusions on the periodization of the Maijishan Grottoes of this paper can be seen as the ones drawn from the comprehensive views of the evolutions of the Buddhist grottoes and the changes of the individual Buddhist sculptures in China.
目次一 引言 29
二 佛像服飾和題材佈局及仿帳、仿木構的類型排比 30
(一) 主尊佛衣 30
(二) 脅侍菩薩衣飾 36
(三) 题材布局 39
三 北朝窟龕的分期與年代 44
(一) 北朝窟龕分期 44
(二) 各期窟龕主要特點 48
(三) 各期年代推斷 48
四 結語 55
ISSN04532902 (P); 04532902 (E)
研究種類石窟; 雕塑造像

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