

Handful of Leaves: an Anthology from the Sutta Pitaka
著者 Thanissaro Bhikkhu ; DeGraff, Geoffrey
出版者The Dhamma Dana Publication Fund
出版サイト http://www.dhammatalks.org/index.html
出版地Valley Center, CA, US
目次Table of Contents
Titlepage 2
Quotation 3
Copyright 4
Abbreviations 5
Acknowledgements 7
Introduction 8
Association with people of integrity 11
Listening to the True Dhamma 13
Appropriate attention 16
Practice in accordance with the Dhamma 20
A Note on the Translations 28
Digha Nikāya 30
The Fruits of the Contemplative Life Sāmaññaphala Sutta (DN 2) 31
Introduction 31
The King’s Question 33
Non-action 33
Purification through Wandering-on 34
Annihilation 35
Non-relatedness 36
Fourfold Restraint 37
Evasion 37
The First Visible Fruit of the Contemplative Life 38
The Second Visible Fruit of the Contemplative Life 39
Higher Fruits of the Contemplative Life 40
The Lesser Section on Virtue 40
The Intermediate Section on Virtue 42
The Great Section on Virtue 43
Sense Restraint 45
Mindfulness & Alertness 46
Contentedness 46
Abandoning the Hindrances 46
The Four Jhānas 47
Insight Knowledge 48
The Mind-made Body 49
Supranormal Powers 49
Clairaudience 50
Mind Reading 50
Recollection of Past Lives 51
The Passing Away & Re-appearance of Beings 52
The Ending of Effluents 52
About PoṭṭhapādaPoṭṭhapāda Sutta (DN 9) 55
Introduction 55
To Kevaṭṭa Kevaṭṭa Sutta (DN 11) 68
Introduction 68
The Miracle of Psychic Power 69
The Miracle of Telepathy 69
The Miracle of Instruction 70
Abandoning the Hindrances 70
The Four Jhānas 71
Insight Knowledge, etc. 72
Conversations with the devas 73
To Lohicca Lohicca Sutta (DN 12) 78
Abandoning the Hindrances 83
The Four Jhānas 84
Insight Knowledge, etc. 85
The Great Causes DiscourseMahā Nidāna Sutta (DN 15) 87
Introduction 87
Aging-&-Death 89
Birth 89
Becoming 90
Clinging 90
Craving 90
Dependent on Craving 91
Feeling 92
Contact 92
Name-&-Form 92
Consciousness 93
Delineations of a Self 93
Non-Delineations of a Self 94
Assumptions of a Self 95
The Monk Released 96
Seven Stations of Consciousness 96
Eight Emancipations 97
The Great Total Unbinding Discourse Mahā Parinibbāna Sutta (DN 16) 101
Introduction 101
I 104
II 115
III 121
IV 132
V 140
VI 148
The Great MeetingMahā Samaya Sutta (DN 20) 163
Introduction 163
Sakka’s Questions (Excerpt) Sakka-pañha Sutta (DN 21) 172
Introduction 172
The Great Establishing of Mindfulness Discourse Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta (DN
22) 180
Introduction 180
A. Body 183
B. Feelings 186
C. Mind 186
D. Mental Qualities 187
E. Conclusion 193
The Wheel-turning Emperor (Excerpt) Cakkavatti Sutta (DN 26) 201
Introduction 201
The Inspiring Discourse Pāsādika Sutta (DN 29) 204
A Poorly-expounded Dhamma-Vinaya 205
A Well-expounded Dhamma-Vinaya 206
The Complete Holy Life 207
That this Holy Life May Long Endure 210
The Pleasures of the Holy Life 211
The Tathāgata’s Knowledge & Vision 214
Majjhima Nikāya 223
The Root Sequence Mūlapariyāya Sutta (MN 1) 224
Introduction 224
The Trainee 226
The Arahant 226
The Tathāgata 228
All the Effluents Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) 230
Fear & Terror Bhaya-bherava Sutta (MN 4) 234
Unblemished Anaṅgaṇa Sutta (MN 5) 239
If One Would Wish Ākaṅkheyya Sutta (MN 6) 245
Right View Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta (MN 9) 249
Introduction 249
Skillful & Unskillful 251
Nutriment 252
Stress 252
Aging & Death 253
Birth 254
Becoming 254
Clinging 255
Craving 256
Feeling 256
Contact 257
Six Sense Media 257
Name-&-Form 258
Consciousness 259
Fabrication 260
Ignorance 260
Effluents 261
The Great Mass of Stress Mahā Dukkhakkhandha Sutta (MN 13) 263
Sensuality 263
Form 265
Feeling 267

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