《法華經》「法師」理念暨星雲大師人間佛教僧信平等思想=The Idea of “fashi” in the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka and the Concept of Venerable Master Hsing Yun on the Equality among Monastics and Laity |
著者 |
程恭讓 (著)=Cheng, Gong-rang (au.)
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2017.10 |
ページ | 254 - 341 |
出版者 | 佛光文化事業有限公司 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 法華經=Saddharmapuṇḍarīka; 法師=fashi; 僧信平等=equality among monastics and laity; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism |
抄録 | 本文是基於現代人間佛教獨有的思想視角,對於《法華經》法師理念與星雲大師人間佛教僧信平等思想脈絡、繼承關係所作的詳細研究。文中先對初期大乘佛教著名經典《法華經》所涉及「法師」概念的句例,一一進行了詳細的文獻、語言研究,確認《法華經》在法師問題上的基本理念:《法華經》的「法師」是指「傳承經典者」,法師的這一職能定位與其個人的特有身份無關,也就是說無論是男性、女性,無論是出家、在家,都有可能是大乘佛教確認的能夠傳承經典的「法師」。文章在第二部分則指出:星雲大師所提出的僧信融合及僧信平等的思想,不僅從《法華經》的法師理念,完全可以找到經典的理論支持,又可看成是《法華經》的法師理念及其相關的大乘思想在現代人間佛教的合理延續與展開。
Based on the perspectives of the unique thoughts of Modern Humanistic Buddhism, this paper constitutes a detailed study on the relationship between the concept of “fashi” in the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka and the concept of Venerable Master Hsing Yun on the equality among monastics and laity. This paper, through comprehensive research, will first elaborate on the concept of "fashi" and its usage based on a well-known Mahāyāna Buddhist scripture, Saddharmapuṇḍarīka. The author argues that “fashi” refers to “a person that inherits the Buddhist scriptures,” it is the function of the “fashi,” and nothing to do with identity. Thus, whether male or female, whether monastic or laity, all are eligible to assume the responsibility of transmitting the sutras established by Mahāyāna Buddhism. The paper’s second elaboration is on the concept of equality between monastics and laity proposed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Not only can it be found in the concept of “fashi” in the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, but is also completely supported by Buddhist scriptures. Furthermore, it may be regarded as a reasonable continuation and development of Modern Humanistic Buddhism, as well as bringing forth the idea of “fashi” based on the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka and other related Mahāyāna thoughts. |
目次 | 中文摘要 254 第一部分 《法華經》「法師」理念的省察 255 第二部分 星雲大師人間佛教僧信平等思想 311 一、前言 311 二、星雲大師人間佛教僧信關係核心論說:「僧信融和」及「僧信平等」 313 三、從《佛光學》對僧信關係的考量看佛光僧團的理論關切 322 四、《法華經》的法師理念與星雲大師人間佛教僧信平等思想的呼應 327 五、作為星雲大師人間佛教最近期論定學說之一的僧信平等思想 332 參考書目 340 |
ISBN | 9789574574346 |
ヒット数 | 1625 |
作成日 | 2018.03.26 |
更新日期 | 2018.04.10 |

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