

臺灣素食文化的形成與特色=The Formation and Characteristics of Vegetarian Culture in Taiwan
著者 釋顯僧 (撰)=曾潤麗 (compose)
出版サイト https://website.fgu.edu.tw/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード素食=vegetarianism; 五辛=the Five Pungent Roots; 梁武帝=Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty; 蒜=garlic; 印度種姓=Indian Caste System

In recent years, there is a growing trend in vegetarianism. Due to the popularity in natural science, emphasis on the global ecological environment, and personal health ideals; vegetarianism is no longer only confined to merely religion. However, how could one eat with a mind at ease, and at the same time to save energy and reduce carbon emission. This is an important topic for a quality humanity in the modern era.

Taiwan is known as “The Paradise for Vegetarians”. This is because in different periods there were various immigrants moved into Taiwan. They integrated into the rich Chinese culture as well as the exceptional cooking techniques with the local. It is not only enriched but also inspired a variety of creative vegetarian cuisines in the world.

The non-Chinese Buddhist regions originated in India do not strictly comply with vegetarian diet due to the different environments or doctrines. 2500 years ago, the Buddha’s disciples do not pick on their food from alms processions. Furthermore, they are allowed to eat “Three kinks of pure meat” (Skt. tri-koṭi-śuddha-mâṃsa):Meat of an animal which one did not see being killed; Meat of an animal which one did not hear being killed; Meat of an animal which one did not request being killed. I have been questioned for the reasons of not eating garlic and onions as they are vegetables by the Malays and Indians from the same country. My answer was difficult to be understood and accepted by those who do not have any Chinese Buddhism background. Consequently, it might also deter them the chance to know the teachings of the Buddha.

The vegetarianism in China is influenced by the living conditions of agrarian society, as well as the propagations of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religions. These deeply impacted the vegetarian culture in Taiwan. To trace its origin of Five Pungent Roots Restrictions, it is believed that it began from the Daoist Canon, Sandong Zhunang, written by Kou Qianzhi the Celestial Master of Northern Wei dynasty. According to the Vinaya in Sectarian Buddhism, only garlic was recorded in the Dharmagupta-vinaya, Sarvāstivāda-vinaya, Mahīśāsaka-vinaya, and Mahāsāṃghika Vinaya. It might be related to the Manusmṛti in India since 2000 years ago, with a use of “garlic” to differentiate the cleanliness of a caste. Since the Emperor Wu of Liang dynasty advocated the Brahmajāla-sūtra in China, Buddhists started to firmly restrict the consumption of the Five Pungent Roots.
Garlic and onions are part of the Five Pungent Roots. They helped to flavor and enrich the taste of vegetarian food. Furthermore, garlic and onions help to reduce the reliance on animal ingredients. Based on the advocation of no killing and the nutritional value of the Five Pungent Roots, I tried to understand the considerations of the person who setup this restriction through literature reviews, the background of the restrictions during that period. After clarified the Five Pungent Roots Restriction’s backround among religions, the restriction could be started by the Indian s
目次摘要 I
誌謝 V
目次 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
一、 研究動機 2
二、 研究目的 5
三、 相關文獻回顧 10
第二節 研究範圍與方法 14
一、 研究範圍 15
二、 研究方法 15
三、 論文架構 17
第二章 臺灣飲食文化淵源 21
第一節 臺灣的飲食特色 21
一、 豐富的食材 21
二、 多元的文化匯集碰撞 22
第二節 臺灣素食的現況 25
第三節 中國料理的淵源 28
第三章 宗教對素食的影響 34
第一節 臺灣的宗教傳承 34
一、 齋教與儒教鸞堂的形成 34
二、 臺灣戰後的宗教發展 36
第二節 儒家及道教的飲食觀 40
一、 儒家重視祭祠齋戒 41
二、 道教煉丹素食觀 47
第三節 佛教的飲食觀 54
一、 北方胡人對佛教的扶植 54
二、 梁武帝頒令的斷酒肉文 56
三、 其他时期素食的實踐 57
第四章 五辛禁食的由來 59
第一節 五辛的定義 59
一、 「五辛」用詞的起源 59
二、 韭、薤在中國的記載 60
三、 佛典中記載的蒜 60
第二節 「蒜」在印度社會的地位 71
一、 印度社會 72
二、 蒜味辨別旃陀羅 81
三、 女尼偷蒜的現象 87
第三節 官方制度五辛組成 92
一、 民間流行的「五辛」 92
二、 梁武帝制定五辛 98
第五章 看待五辛的視角 102
第一節 傳統的認知 102
一、 異味難忍 102
二、 影響修行 103
三、 消除異味 104
第二節 現代的研究 105
一、 五辛的成分 105
二、 五辛的功效 109
第六章 結論 112
參考書目 115
一、 佛教典籍和古籍 115
二、 中日文專書(以作者筆劃順序排列) 116
三、 學位論文 124
四、 期刊論文 125
五、 網路資料 126

表2-2-1 臺灣五類素食分類表 26
表2-3-1 歷代素食譜書 32
表3-1-1 一貫道簡史 39
表3-2-1 歷代服丹藥的皇帝列 48
表3-2-2 道教年表 53
表4-1-1 戒律中有關偷蒜記載 63
表4-1-2 戒律中有關蒜味不敢前去聽法的記載 67
表4-1-3 戒律允蒜治病 69
表4-1-4 「蒜」出現在漢譯戒律的次數 71
表4-2-1 印度簡史 73
表4-2-2 《摩奴法典》對各種姓的規範 77
表4-2-3 二十一世紀的印度社會 78
表4-2-4 印度社會種姓階級現象 81
表4-2-5 大乘經典的禁蒜記載 91
表4-3-1 初始道教五辛經典 94
表4-3-2 東晉五辛密教經典 98
表5-2-1 蒜、韭、洋蔥、青蔥的營養 107
表5-2-2 大蒜、韭菜、洋蔥的生理系统作用 110

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