《藥師經》佛教思想的內涵、特質及其當代價值=Connotation, Traits and Contemporary Values of Buddhist Thinking of Bhaisajyaguruvaidūryaprabhārājasūtra |
著者 |
程恭讓 (著)=Cheng, Gong-rang (au.)
程珵 (著)=Cheng, Cheng (au.)
掲載誌 |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
巻号 | n.29 |
出版年月日 | 2018.03 |
ページ | 105 - 142 |
出版者 | 玄奘大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者程恭讓為上海大學文學院教授;作者程珵為美國南加州大學學士。 |
キーワード | 《藥師經》= Bhaisajyaguruvaidūryaprabhārājasūtra; 現法樂、後世樂及究竟樂=well-being of this world-afterlife and liberation; 人間佛教=Humanism Buddhism; 善巧方便=skillful and convenient |
抄録 | 作為一部中晚期的大乘佛教經典,《藥師經》的佛教思想、信仰晉宋間開始在漢地流行,隋唐時期其傳學達到一個高潮,此後回轉民間,雖然在中國佛教的思想、信仰、文化中,一直發揮重要的作用和影響,但《藥師經》獨具特色而厚博精深的佛教思想的內涵、特質及其意義,歷史上一直未能得到全幅的彰顯。近現代以來,佛教藥師文化有重新復興的趨勢。太虛大師在1934年的《藥師經》講座中,根據人間佛教理論、實踐的視角創造性地提出《藥師經》新詮釋方向;而當代中國佛教的人間佛教建設,正在步入理論及實踐的新反省期及新建設期,《藥師經》的佛教思想將為當代人間佛教的理論反思提供經典依據、思想理路及價值方向。為此,本文先對歷史上《藥師經》漢譯及理解問題作出一個簡短的介紹,然後重點從六個方面,對《藥師經》佛教思想的內涵、特質及其當代價值問題,作出了一個多層次的系統性分析和說明。
As a mid-late Mahayana Buddhist scripture, the Buddhist thoughts and beliefs in Bhaisajyaguruvaidūryaprabhārājasūtra began to popularize in the Jin-Son Dynasties, and relating hermeneutics reached a climax in Sui and Tang Dynasties. Since then, they have turned back to the folk. Although its Buddhism's thoughts, beliefs, culture has always played an important role and influence n people's common life, the connotation, traits and significance of the unique and profound Buddhism thought of this text have never been fully demonstrated in history. In his lecture about this text in 1934, Master Tai Xu creatively proposed a new interpretation direction of it from the perspective of the theory and practice of humanism Buddhism However, the construction of humanism Buddhism in contemporary Chinese Buddhism is entering a new stage of theory and practice, the Buddhist thought of Bhaisajyaguruvaidūryaprabhārājasūtra contains the possibility to provide the classical basis, ideological rationale and value direction for the theoretical reflection of contemporary humanism Buddhism. To this end, this article first makes a brief introduction to the history of Chinese translation and understanding of this sutra, and then from six aspects, it makes a systematic analysis of this text, especially on its connotation, traits and contemporary values of Buddhist thinking. |
目次 | 一、關於《藥師經》的譯本及其理解問題 108 二、《藥師經》佛教思想引領紮根現實人生問題的大乘基本立場 110 三、《藥師經》佛教思想建構現法樂、後世樂、究竟樂辯證統一的佛法價值方向 115 四、《藥師經》佛教思想重新揭櫫般若與方便辯證融和的大乘傳統 120 五、《藥師經》佛教思想關懷人類身心疾病苦的慈悲救治意識 126 六、《藥師經》佛教思想蘊涵深切的女性關懷意識 129 七、基於人間佛教理論、實踐視角的《藥師經》佛教思想新詮釋 136
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
ヒット数 | 668 |
作成日 | 2020.03.18 |
更新日期 | 2020.03.18 |

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