

一個佛教現代主義的審視:佛教禪修與身心療癒=Buddhist Meditation Tradition and Body-mind Healing in the Context of Buddhist Modernism
著者 鄧偉仁 (著)=Teng, Wei-jen (au.)
掲載誌 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
ページ1 - 30
出版サイト http://ird.hcu.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード佛教禪修=Buddhist mediation; 身心療癒=body & mind healing; 佛教現代主義=Buddhist modernism; 西方正念=mindfulness
抄録 現代社會中佛教「禪修」應用在身心「療癒」上的效用,透過近二十年來的推廣與研究,幾乎成了毋庸置疑地共識。如果在亞馬遜(amazon.com)電子書城搜索「禪修」(mediation)與「療癒」(healing)二詞,將產生上千筆相關書籍的搜索結果。即使把搜索條件限制在「佛教禪修」與療癒,也有近千筆的資料。如果加上圖書館書目、學術學報以及非學術雜誌、音樂、影片等多媒體的呈現,禪修與療癒的文獻與報導將可分門別類地擺滿大型超市的商品架。文獻書籍如:〈佛教禪修與身心醫學——正念修行的療癒力量〉(2006);The Mind’s Own Physician: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama on the Healing Power of Meditation(2011)(中譯:《禪修的療癒力量:達賴喇嘛與西方科學大師的對話》);The Healing Power of Meditation: Leading Experts on Buddhism, Psychology, and Medicine Explore the Health Benefits of Contemplative Practice(2013);Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Healing and Transformation(2017);音樂專輯如:Ocean Waves and Tibetan Singing Bowls for Meditation with Nature Sounds - Sounds of Nature for Healing Relaxation Sounds of the Sea for Spa(2011);另外還有相關的文創商品與課程:Healing, Mindfulness & Tea: A two hour tea mindfulness ritual and deep yoga relaxation (www.balanced energy.co.nz)。
另一方面,有越來越多的佛教學者對與上述佛教禪修與身心療癒或科學研究,提出精闢的反思,例如:大衛馬克馬漢(David McMahan)與艾瑞克布朗(Eric Braun)編輯,2017 年牛津大學出版社出版的《禪修、佛教與科學》(Meditation, Buddhism and Science)。此外,大衛馬克馬漢(David McMahan)在更早的專著《佛教現代主義的形成》(Makingof Buddhism Modernism)也提醒我們,現代禪修的風行與其「去佛教化」的身心療癒的應用,更多是受某些現代性的影響而形成的概念與做法,是一種「佛教現代主義」。

Over a decade, or more, the related research and propaganda have created the image that "Buddhist meditation", in a most general sense, is proved to be effective in body & mind healing. A search of the keywords, "meditation" and "healing" in amazon.com would yield thousands of hits. Even limiting our search to “Buddhist meditation, the result would still come to near a thousand hits. If we shelf books, magazines, music DVDs, multi-media, and merchandises related to Buddhist meditation and healing, we will easily feel-up a "Med-Healing Mart". To name a few items: 〈佛教禪修與身心醫學──正念修行的療癒力量〉("Buddhist Meditation and Mind&body Medicine: the Healing Power of Mindfulness",2006); The Mind's Own Physician: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama on the Healing Power of Meditation (2011); The Healing Power of Meditation: Leading Experts on Buddhism, Psychology, and Medicine Explore the Health Benefits of Contemplative Practice (2013); Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Healing and Transformation (2017); music album: Ocean Waves and Tibetan Singing Bowls for Meditation with Nature Sounds - Sounds of Nature for Healing Relaxation Sounds of the Sea for Spa (2011); merchandises and classes: Healing, Mindfulness & Tea: A two hour tea mindfulness ritual and deep yoga relaxation (www.balanced energy.co.nz).
In the contrary, there are increasing studies in the West cogently problematizing the interdisciplinary research between Buddhist meditation and Science, for example: Meditation,Buddhism and Science edited by David McMahan and Eric Braun published in 2017 by Oxford University Press. Moreover, in Making of Buddhism Modernism, the author, David McMahan pointed out that the "de-religious" Buddhist meditation movement and its application in body & mind healing, was a production of "Buddhist Modernism".
In view of this context, this study is not to prove or disprove the effectiveness of Buddhist mediation in body & mind healing. Rather, this study aims at revealing the religious implication and alienation in such application in the contexts of global modernity and Buddhist modernism.
目次一、前言 5
二、禪修傳統與身心療癒:概念的釐清 9
(一)禪修 9
(二)身心療癒 12
三、「佛教現代主義」下的禪修運動 15
(一)新教改革(Protestant Reformation) 16
(二)科學革命(Scientific Revolution)與啟蒙運動(Enlightenment) 17
(三)浪漫主義(Romanticism) 19
四、結論:佛教禪修與現代應用的省思 27
ISSN18133649 (P)

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