現代臺灣佛教與印順法師 ─ 五大本山與人間佛教的背景一探=Contemporary Taiwanese Buddhism and Venerable Yin Shun: Introducing the Five Great Mountain Monasteries and the Background of Humanistic Buddhism Thought |
著者 |
蓑輪顕量 =Minowa, Kenryo
掲載誌 |
佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.2 新2卷 |
出版年月日 | 2016.07 |
ページ | 31 - 53 |
出版者 | 佛光大學佛教研究中心 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為東京大學大學院人文社會系研究科教授 |
キーワード | 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 人生佛教=Buddhism for Human Life; 阿含經=Agama; 印順=Yinshun; 太虛=Taixu; 虛雲=Xuyun |
抄録 | 現代臺灣佛教的五大本山分別由星雲法師、聖嚴法師、惟覺法師、證嚴法師以及心道法師在二十世紀後期創立。除了惟覺,其餘四位都深受太虛法師或印順法師的影響。印順於國共內戰時期從大陸來到臺灣。 早年在內地時,印順法師遍覽三藏佛教經典,發現早期佛教的重要性。而後,他提出人間佛教的理念,此理念與太虛所提稍有不同。印順法師注重原始佛教的純正、初期大乘佛教的行持和思想,還有後期大乘的唯識與如來藏思想。其後,他成為了臺灣佛教的領袖人物。我們應該留意,印順法師受到原始佛教和大乘佛教兩者的影響甚鉅,我認為其中最大的影響是來自於《雜阿含經》以及《相應部》。 最後,我討論了臺灣佛教的幾點特徵,例如女性在僧眾人數比例上占多數的情況以及修行方法的新發展。
In the present there are five main Buddhist mountain monasteries in Taiwan, those are established by Ven. Master Hsing Yun, Ven. Sheng Yan, Ven. Wei Chueh and Ven. Hsin Tao, in late 20th century. Except Ven. Wei Chueh, all these monks were influenced by Ven. Master Taixu or Ven. Master Yinshun. Ven. Yinshun came from China to Taiwan during the civil war between the Communist Party and the Nationalist Party after the Second World War. While a youth in mainland China he had read the Tripitaka, the complete Buddhist canon, and he come to recognize the importance of Early Buddhism. We can suspect that he came to know this and declared the idea that Buddhism should be activity among human beings. This idea was a little different from that of Ven. Taixu. It is said that Ven. Yinshun valued the purity of early Buddhism, the practice and thought of early Mahāyāna Buddhism, and the consciousness only and Tathāgatagarbha thought of late Mahāyāna Buddhism. He became a leader of Taiwanese Buddhism. We should know that he was influenced by the ideas of both Early Buddhism and Mahāyāna Buddhism, and if we were to say what was his greatest influencing factor, it was probably the Saṃyukta Āgama. At the end of the this paper, I indicate several characteristics of Taiwanese Buddhism. Those are that nuns outnumber monks and that they made new developments in terms of practices which were accepted.
目次 | 一、引言 34 二、五大本山寺院 34 (一)佛光山 35 (二)法鼓山 36 (三)慈濟功德會 37 (四)中台禪寺 38 (五)靈鷲山 39 三、印順與佛學院 40 四、印順的指導理論「人間佛教」的背景 42 五、臺灣佛教的存在形態 48 六、結語 50
ISSN | 24143006 (P) |
ヒット数 | 392 |
作成日 | 2020.04.08 |
更新日期 | 2020.04.27 |

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