印順法師「大乘是佛說」論之啟示 ── 兼與周貴華先生商榷=Enlightenment of the Venerable Yin-shun’s Idea of “Mahayana is Buddha’s Teaching” -- Discuss with Zhou Gui-hua |
著者 |
姚彬彬 =Yao, Bin-bin
掲載誌 |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
巻号 | n.8 |
出版年月日 | 2017.12 |
ページ | 67 - 98 |
出版者 | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者:武漢大學中國傳統文化研究中心副教授 Author: Associate Professor, Research Center of Chinese Traditional Culture, Wuhan University |
キーワード | 印順法師=Venerable Yin-shun; 大乘佛教=Mahayana Buddhism; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 理性=rationality; 神秘主義=mysticism |
抄録 | 周貴華先生多年來對印順法師多有攻訐,他指責印順以「人本理性」對佛教「去天神化」,故認為印順是「溫和版」的「大乘非佛說」者,乃至詆印順為「顛覆大乘」的「失道者」。這類觀點無不是對印順法師「大乘是佛說」思想的歪曲和誤解,其根源則是對人文理性的敵視立場。周貴華對大乘佛教的理解,立基於崇尚「天神化」的神秘主義,甚至以崇尚理性的現代社會為「深度末法時代」,故無法接受印順對大乘佛教的「祛魅」式的詮釋。事實上,被周貴華所拒斥的印順的有關學術觀點,從學術研究的角度看,其立足於歷史理性,可謂見地敏銳,視野獨到。即使是從佛教教內的視角看,也仍可視為一種「判教」的方式,在佛教史上亦多有先例可循,同時也是印順對待佛學不願籠統顢頇,在教理上求真求實的可貴品格的體現。
Zhou Gui-hua has given much criticism to Venerable Yin-shun for many years. He accused Venerable Yin-shun who used the idea of “humanistic rationality” to let Buddhism get rid of Divine. He considered Venerable Yin-shun as a gentle of “Mahayana is not Buddha’s teaching”, even slandered Venerable Yin-shun to be a “subversion of Mahayana” and “degenerate”. Such views distort or misunderstand Yin-shun’s idea of “Mahayana is Buddha’s teaching”, and its origin is hostile to humanistic rationality. Zhou Gui-hua’s understanding of Mahayana Buddhism based on advocating by mysticism of “Divine”. Even call the modern society as “depth end of dharma’s times”, for its advocating rationality. He also cannot accept Venerable Yin-shun’s interpreting Mahayana Buddhism “Disenchantment”. As a matter of fact, the academic viewpoints of Venerable Yin-shun which rejected by Zhou Gui-hua, from the angle of academic research, are based on historical reason, and are insightful and original. Even from the perspective of the Buddhism, still be regarded as a kind of “classification of teachings”. In the history of Buddhism, there are many precedents; at the same time, we can see that Venerable Yin-shun treated the Buddha dharma not ambiguously, that reflecting the valuable character of pursuing the truth in the Buddha’s teaching. |
目次 | 一、前言 70 一、印順所論「大乘是佛說」之意涵 71 二、與周貴華相似的思想立場:現代基督教「《聖經》無誤」論 82 三、漢傳佛教的「人本」傳統:以《壇經》為例 88 四、結語 93 |
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
ヒット数 | 351 |
作成日 | 2020.06.11 |

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