星雲大師與南亭長老=Venerable Master Hsing Yun and Venerable Elder Nan Ting |
著者 |
韓煥忠 (著)=Han, Huan-zhong (au.)
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2020.08 |
ページ | 558 - 574 |
出版者 | 佛光山人間佛教研究院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為蘇州大學宗教研究所教授 |
キーワード | 星雲大師=Venerable Master Hsing Yun; 南亭長老=Venerable Elder Nan Ting; 華嚴思想=Huayan philosophy |
抄録 | 在星雲大師交往過的諸多前輩大德高僧中,南亭長老無疑是非常重要的一位,這在南亭長老的自傳和星雲大師的回憶中,都有非常充分的體現。從 南亭長老的自傳中,我們可以感受到,南亭長老對星雲大師,從接觸和認識,到欣賞與讚歎,也與世俗間人們的交往一樣,是有一個過程的。對於南亭長老的欣賞、讚歎、提攜和幫助,星雲大師不僅有強烈的感受,銘記在心,而且還曾經投桃報李。即便是在南亭長老圓寂數十年之後,星雲大師回憶起二人之間的這段交往,還依然充滿了真摯的感激之情和崇敬之意。星雲大師並不是南亭長老的徒子徒孫,我們也查不到他從學於南亭長老的紀錄,但兩位高僧之所以能夠維繫數十年的交往,並建立了深厚的法誼,兩人的華嚴思想無疑扮演了思想基礎交流的重大作用。
Among the many eminent and senior monks whom Venerable Master Hsing Yun has interacted with, Venerable Elder Nan Ting is undoubtedly noteworthy. This is much touched upon in the autobiography of Venerable Elder Nan Ting, including anecdotes told by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. In the autobiography of Venerable Elder Nan Ting, one can read about how they came to know each other, their interactions, and his appreciation of and compliments towards Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Like in any relationship, their friendship burgeons as time passes. Conversely, Venerable Master Hsing Yun keeps Venerable Elder Nan Ting’s appreciation, praise, encouragement, and support in remembrance, and always reciprocates his kindness with gratitude. Even after Venerable Elder Nan Ting’s passing, Venerable Master Hsing Yun still expresses sincere regard and reverence for him. Though no records show that Venerable Master Hsing Yun was a disciple of Venerable Elder Nan Ting or studied under him, Huayan thoughts were a common ground upon which they built an enduring friendship over the years, as well as influencing their fundamental thoughts. |
目次 | 前言 560 一、南亭長老自傳中的星雲大師 560 二、星雲大師回憶中的南亭長老 565 三、兩位高僧交往中的思想基礎 570 結論 573 參考書目 574 |
ヒット数 | 831 |
作成日 | 2020.07.03 |
更新日期 | 2020.07.08 |

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