

具佛法與善念特質之桌遊設計=Tabletop Game Design with the Buddhism and Kindness Content
著者 洪勝臣 (著)=Hung, Sheng-Chen (au.)
出版サイト https://www.nkust.edu.tw/
出版地高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation

Nowadays, the youth is addicted to games of the internet, such as mobile games and computer games which have become an important part of their life. However, the types of mobile games are filled with violence, blood, sex, even gambling that will cause different impacts on our body, mind, soul and realistic behavior.
Nontheless, tabletop game is also one of the fashionable entertainments that the youth loves to play. Tabletop game invovles interactivity, puzzle and fun which can produce the training about the ability of thinking and improvisation in the process. In the past few years, tabletop games have been designed as a competitive and strategical type. In hence, players need to do their best to eliminate their enemies unscrupulously or make their rivals surrender. Therefore, this study is based on Buddhist thoughts and is designed as a tabletop game which combines teamwork and benevolence. By the ways players interact, it will make the public experience a brand new game filled with kindness different from the past. First, I combine the elements of buddhist doctrine and teamwork with scenario-oriented design. Second, I put the emphasis on anaylsising, developimg and generalizing. Then, using the standardization of design to establish the gradations of logic and the structure of script. At last, I transform the elements and design a brand new tabletop game. In Taiwan, some folk beliefs which contain buddhist doctrine have been spread. There is an old saying that goes, ” One good turn deserves another”. Making the players feel kindness while playing this tabletop game can achieve the meaning of entertainment and education.
After confirming the details of tabletop game, making it physical and inviting some people to play this game to verify the effect of teamwork and kindness. The results show that playing this tabletop game will enhance the ability of teamwork but increase a little bit of kindness. Although the result doesn’t strongly suggest that playing this tabletop game can increase the kindness in the short term, I think it may increase the kindness gradually in the long term. There is another old saying goes, ” Every little makes a mickle”, the fractions of kindness will end up becoming considerable good deeds eventually.
目次摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究架構與流程 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
2.1 桌遊的簡介 4
2.1.1 桌遊的演化 4
2.1.2 桌遊的現況 4
2.1.3 桌遊的分類 5
2.1.4 現有圖版類及團隊合作桌遊分析 12
2.2 國內外研究概況 18
2.3 善念與設計 22
2.3.1 善行意念 22
2.3.2 佛教善念思想 25
2.3.3 正向設計發展 26
2.4 劇本導引法 35
第三章、創作研究方法與架構 39
3.1以劇本導引法發展具團隊合作性質之善念桌遊 39
3.1.1 使用者劇本 39
3.1.2 概念劇本 40
3.1.3 具體化劇本 40
3.1.4 案例流程(設計標準化) 41
第四章、桌遊創作設計 47
4.1 善念桌遊故事背景設計 47
4.2 遊戲目的 48
4.3 遊戲邏輯架構設計 48
4.4 桌遊圖版板塊草圖 51
4.5 角色草圖 52
4.6 桌遊牌卡草圖 53
4.6.1 渡化牌草圖 53
4.6.2 懲罰牌草圖 54
4.6.3 爆發牌草圖 55
4.7 桌遊配件草圖 59
4.7.1 棋子草圖 59
4.7.2 爆發標記物草圖 59
4.7.3 渡化標記物草圖 60
4.7.4 功德計量組件草圖 60
4.8初步原型製作 61
4.9 2D平面視覺桌遊圖版板塊設計 64
4.10 2D平面視覺角色牌設計 64
4.11 2D平面視覺桌遊牌卡設計 66
4.11.1 渡化牌設計 66
4.11.2 懲罰牌設計 68
4.11.3 爆發牌設計 69
4.12 3D建模視覺桌遊配件設計 76
4.12.1 棋子設計 76
4.12.2 爆發標記設計 76
4.12.3 渡化標記設計 77
4.12.4 功德計量組件 78
4.13 2D平面視覺桌遊說明書設計 79
4.14 3D建模視覺桌遊外盒設計 79
4.15 遊戲機制與規則 80
4.16桌上遊戲模型製作 85
4.16.1 桌遊圖版板塊模型 85
4.16.2 角色牌模型 85
4.16.3 渡化牌組模型 86
4.16.4 懲罰牌模型 87
4.16.5爆發牌模型 88
4.16.6 角色棋子模型 90
4.16.7 爆發標記物模型 90
4.16.8 渡化標記物模型 91
4.16.9 功德計量組件模型 92
4.16.10 說明書模型 93
4.16.11 外盒模型 93
第五章、成果驗證與討論 94
5.1 桌遊驗證與建議 94
5.1.1 第一組受測者驗證 94
5.1.2 第二組受測者驗證 95
5.1.3 第三組受測者驗證 95
5.1.4 第四組受測者驗證 96
5.1.5 第五組受測者驗證 97
5.2 驗整結果與討論 97
第六章、結論與建議 104
6.1 結論 104
6.2 未來發展建議 105
參考文獻 107
附錄1 具善念且團隊合作性質桌遊體驗之問卷調查 110

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