印順法師的淨土思想與人間佛教實踐=Venerable Yin-sun's Thought on Pure Land Buddhism and the Practice of Humanistic Buddhism |
著者 |
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.)
掲載誌 |
2016年「利他主義與菩薩思想」國際學術會議=2016 International Conference on "Altruism and Bodhisattva Thought"
出版年月日 | 2016.05 |
ページ | 207 - 225 |
出版者 | 玄奘大學宗教與文化學系、中華民國關懷生命協會、財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園市, 臺灣 [Taoyuean shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:南華大學宗教學研究所副教授兼所長 Author: Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies. Nanhua University, Taiwan |
キーワード | 印順=Yin-sun; 淨土法門=methods of Pure Land Buddhism; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 他方淨土=Pure Land outside this world; 阿彌佛陀=Amita Buddha |
抄録 | 本論文研究印順的淨土思想,解明其與人間佛教的關涉,並討論他對中國淨土佛教的批判。關於對淨土佛教的批判,印順曾受當代學術觀點影響,推論阿彌陀佛與太陽神話的聯結,此舉會解構此佛神聖性,未注意到宗教信仰之間的相互尊重。此外,傳統淨土教說不免法生流弊,變成類似神教信仰形式,全失大乘精神,印順對此問題多所批判,論議頗為中肯,惜用語過簡,易引發誤解與爭論。關於淨土佛教位階,印順據印度淨土經論,主張回復其易行道與方便道的應有地位,以保全其特殊的修學價值。中國祖師或有將淨土教理提升到「唯心淨土、自性彌陀」的實相層級,如此反而混淆方便道與真實道,遮掩淨土法門作為易行方便道的意義。印順佛學思想的特色是人間佛教,其淨土論說也蘊含人間淨土的實踐關懷。他對西方淨土的批判聚焦於行者追求自我往生而脫離現實人間的時間偏向,並標舉彌勒淨土、阿閦佛國與藥師淨土之較具人乘行與菩薩行的功德累積亦關係到往生品味,人間佛教實可助益往生條件的達成。印順倡議淨土行法結合人間佛教踐履的時代意義,在於能為淨土佛教博取更多認同,擴大其實踐基盤。
This article is focused on Venerable Yin-sun's Thought on Pure Land Buddhism, expounding the relationship between Pure Land Buddhism and Humanistic Buddhism, and discussing his criticism of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism. About his criticism of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, Ven. Yin-sun was influenced by the aspects of Western academic studies, and inferred that Amita Buddha was connected with sun mythos. This kind of idea would deconstruct the sacredness of the Buddha, and does not take note of the mutual respect between different religious beliefs. Besides that, the teachings of traditional Pure Land Buddhism may not avoid the abuse of becoming a kind of deity worship and lost the spirit of mahāyāna Buddhism. Ven. Yin-sun's criticism of this issue is advisable, however, his expresses are too sketchy and easily misunderstood. Regarding the position of Pure Land Buddhism, according to Indian Pure Land Buddhist texts, Venerable Yin-sun advocated restoring its original status of easy and expedient path, so is to preserve its special practice value. Some ancient masters of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism advocated Mind-only Pure Land and Amita Buddha as Own Nature, confused the expedient path with the truth path, as a result, clouded the meaning of Pure Land Buddhism as easy and expedient path. The hallmark of Ven. Yin-sun's Buddhist thought is Humanistic Buddhism, and the concern of Humanistic Buddhism is embraced in his Pure Land discourses. He criticized the biased views of many Western Pure Land practitioners, who pursued self-transmigration to Western Pure Land and disregarded the practices on earth. Ven. Yin-sun suggested that for the practice of Humanistic Buddhism, the Pure-lands of Maitreya, Aksobhya and Bhaisajya-guru are endowed more meaning. Humanistic Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism are not mutually contradicted, one important condition to transmigrate to the Western Pure Land is to arise the Bodhi Mind, and the practices of Human-Heaven Vehicle and path of Bodhisattva help promote the status of transmigration in pure land. Ven. Yin-sun pointed oout the contemporary meaning of the combined practice of Pure Land Buddhism and Humanistic Buddhism is to win more approval from the general Buddhist community. |
目次 | 一、前言 210 二、從印順對西方淨土的考源與批評說起 211 三、淨土行法的方便意涵 216 四、人間淨土的實踐思想 219 五、結論 224 |
ヒット数 | 417 |
作成日 | 2020.08.14 |
更新日期 | 2020.08.14 |

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