無垢施與維摩詰問難之比較研究=A Comparative Study of the Queries of Vimaladattā and Vimalakirti |
著者 |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.)
掲載誌 |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies
巻号 | v.13 n.4 |
出版年月日 | 2015.06 |
ページ | 1 - 47 |
出版者 | 世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:佛光大學佛教學系副教授兼系主任 ㄏ |
キーワード | 無垢施=Vimaladattā; 問難=queries; 聲聞=sravaka; 菩薩=bodhisattva; 第一義諦=the ultimate truth |
抄録 | 印度社會有歧視女性的嚴重風氣,古婆羅門教制定的《摩奴法典》認為女性是情欲與性愛的表徵,強調女性的不淨與污穢。同樣發源於印度的佛教亦受到影響,綜觀原始《阿含經》到大乘佛經中,不乏貶抑女性的內容,然而在這些經典中,又不時出現盛讚女性即身證悟,蒙佛授記成佛的記載,如本論文即將探討的《大寶積經》卷第一百《無垢施菩薩應辯會》十二歲女無垢施便是。本論文將探討無垢施女問難八聲聞眾與八菩薩眾的內容。在即將入舍衛城乞食的途中,此八大聲聞弟子入定中的發願與八大菩薩的作念,是否符合各自所長?彼此之間可有次第先後?若有依何而定?並與維摩詰居士對十大聲聞與三十二位菩薩眾的問難做比較,以瞭解兩組問難之間的同異?
Indian society has been gravely discriminatory against women. The Manusmrti, decreed by the ancient Brahman religion, regards the female as symbol of passion and carnal love, emphasizing the uncleanliness and filth of women. Buddhism, similarly rooted in India, has been thus influenced. From the original Nikaya to the Mahayana scripture, there seems no lack of deprecatory contents regarding the fair sex. However, in the same scripture, highly favorable records about women getting enlightened in their lifetime, or becoming buddhas after being prophesized by Buddha, also appear occasionally. A good example is the 12-year-old girl Vimaladattā in Chapter 100 “A Discourse on Ready Eloquence of the Maharatnakutasutra,” which is the subject of the present study. This study shall examine the contents of the queries of Vimaladattā as directed at the eight sravakas and eight major bodhisattvas. On the way into the city of Sravasti to beg for food, did these eight major sravaka disciples make vows while in meditative concentration? It is to be examined whether such vows manifest their respective strength as compared with the wishes of the eight major bodhisattvas, whether there exists any priority among such vows, and whether there are any criteria for setting such priority. A comparison is made with the queries of Vimalakirti as directed at the ten sravakas and 32 bodhisattva, so as to appreciate the similarity and difference between the two sets of queries. |
目次 | 中文摘要 1 英文摘要 2 壹、緒論 3 貳、譯者簡介 5 一、道真再譯竺法護譯經 6 二、本經成經時間 7 三、本經文體結構 8 四、問難論義相關經典 9 參、無垢施女問難八大聲聞略釋與維摩詰呵責十大聲聞之比較 16 一、以第一義諦詰難舍利弗有為智慧 18 二、以佛菩提無作無分別詰難目犍連分別神足 19 三、以三輪體空詰難摩訶迦葉知足受施必報 20 四、以無戲論法詰難須菩提執著無諍空行 20 五、以第一義諦詰難富樓那說法有無境界法 21 六、以無為法詰難離越住於無諍樂 22 七、以壞假名詰難阿那律住於天眼見 23 八、以離文字音聲詰難阿難住於多聞第一 23 肆、問難八大菩薩 25 一、詰難文殊師利菩薩深解第一 27 二、以無性法詰難無癡見菩薩無癡見 28 三、詰難寶相菩薩染著的施寶之心 29 四、詰難離惡趣菩薩惡業之輕受速斷 30 五、詰難除諸蓋菩薩為眾生盡除五蓋 31 六、詰難觀世音菩薩無施法中焉有所除 32 七、詰難辯嚴菩薩見我者皆得辭辯 33 八、詰難無癡行菩薩見我者得無癡見 34 伍、結論 40 一、兩經差異處 41 二、兩經相同點 42 參考書目 45 |
ISSN | 16843738 (P) |
DOI | 10.3966/168437382015061304001 |
ヒット数 | 369 |
作成日 | 2020.09.21 |
更新日期 | 2020.09.21 |
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