夏荊山觀音畫像與中國觀音信仰的關係=Connection Between Xia Jing Shan’s Avalokiteśvara Portraits and Avalokiteśvara Worshipping in China |
著者 |
李萬進 (著)=Li, Wan-jin (au.)
掲載誌 |
夏荊山藝術論衡=Journal of Xia Jing Shan's Art
巻号 | n.10 |
出版年月日 | 2020.09.01 |
ページ | 77 - 97 |
出版者 | 財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為四川師範大學文理學院副教授 |
キーワード | 夏荊山=Xia Jing Shan; 觀音畫像=Avalokiteśvara Portraits; 觀音信仰=Avalokiteśvara Worshipping; 中國本土元素=local Chinese elements |
抄録 | 夏荊山先生流傳於世的多幅觀音畫像中,展現了夏荊山先生所畫的觀音形象,與影響中國社會各階層極為深遠的觀音信仰之間的關係。從夏荊山先生的觀音畫像中,可以看到,夏荊山先生將觀音信仰的出世價值予以展現,即觀世音菩薩作為西方三聖之一,與阿彌陀佛和大勢至菩薩一起,接引修行淨土念佛法門的芸芸眾生,這在夏荊山先生的觀音畫像中,可以找到觀音菩薩所具有的救度眾生脫離苦海而往生極樂淨土 的內容與特徵,這還可以從夏荊山先生流傳於世的阿彌陀佛的畫像中予以印證。同時,中國民眾的觀音信仰與《法華經.普門品》有著密切的聯繫,在〈普門品〉中,觀世音菩薩救苦救難的慈悲精神得以展現,這樣在夏荊山先生的觀音畫像中也有展現觀世音菩薩慈悲救世的內容,這與中國觀音信仰的普遍特徵是完全一致的。另外還值得注意的是,除了佛教所具有的接引與救苦救難的觀音信仰的特徵外,夏荊山先生的觀音畫像中,還融入了中國本土的一些元素,使得其傳世的觀音畫像具有了中國本土與民間的氣息,這與佛教中國化有著異曲同工之妙。夏荊山先生的觀音畫像,具有以藝術的形式弘揚佛教觀音信仰的作用與功能。
Xia Jing Shan left behind many portraits of Avalokiteśvara (Guanyin), and these depictions of Avalokiteśvara by Xia have also come to profoundly impact the worshipping of Avalokiteśvara that is observed in various social stratospheres in China. The otherworldly significance behind the worshipping of Avalokiteśvara is expressed by Xia in his Avalokiteśvara portraits, with Avalokiteśvara revered in a holy trinity alongside Amitābha and Mahāsthāmaprāpta. Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara comes to rescue those who practice Pure Land Buddhism in the mortal world from suffering. Xia’s portraits of Avalokiteśvara include contents and elements featuring Avalokiteśvara saving sentient beings from mortal suffering and taking them to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The same is also observed in some of the portraits of Amitābha painted by Xia. At the same time, the worshipping of Avalokiteśvara in China is closely connected to “The Universal Gate Chapter” included in The Lotus Sutra. In “The Universal Gate Chapter”, the compassion of Avalokiteśvara who rescues those who are suffering and in torment is described, and this compassion is also expressed in portraits of Avalokiteśvara by Xia, which ties the paintings with the universal trait that is found in the worshipping of Avalokiteśvara in China. Furthermore, in addition to Avalokiteśvara’s distinctive image of rescuing sentient beings from suffering and taking them out of torment, Xia’s portraits of Avalokiteśvara also encompass some local Chinese elements, which give his heirloom Avalokiteśvara portraits an enhanced sense of Chinese local and folkloric quality. This also echoes with Buddhism’s sinicization. Xia’s Avalokiteśvara portraits serve to exalt and promote the Buddhist worshipping of Avalokiteśvara through the format of art. |
目次 | 一、觀音畫像的出世間元素 觀世音菩薩在中國民間具有崇高而 80 (一)〈阿彌陀佛來迎圖〉 81 (二)〈蓮花觀音〉 83 (三)〈毗盧遮那觀音〉 83 (四)〈不離〉 83 (五)〈菩提觀音〉 85 (六)〈龍王朝觀音〉 86 二、觀音畫像的慈悲濟世精神 87 (一)童子拜觀音 89 (二)觀世音菩薩 91 三、觀音畫像的中國本土元素 92 (一)竹鶴觀音 93 (二)大慈觀世音菩薩 94 四、結語:夏荊山觀音畫像的精神世界 95 引用書目 97 |
ISSN | 24126233 (P) |
ヒット数 | 697 |
作成日 | 2020.09.30 |
更新日期 | 2020.09.30 |

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