

戰後台灣「禪與詩」詮釋進路的變革:以「禪公案與禪詩」為中心的探討=Evolution of the Interpretation of 'Zen and Poetry' in Post-War Taiwan:Taking 'Cases of Master Zen and Zen Poetry' for Core Investigation
著者 邱敏捷 (著)=Chiu, Min-chieh (au.)
出版サイト https://www.most.gov.tw/
キーワード禪學=learning of Zen; 禪宗史=history of the Zen Sect; 禪公案=cases of Master Zen; 禪詩=Zen poetry; 「禪與詩」研究=study of “Zen and Poetry”; 戰後台灣=post-war Taiwan
抄録戰後台灣的佛學研究漸盛,尤以禪學為著。1949 年胡適與鈴木大拙的禪學 論諍、1950 年代胡適《禪學案》、1971 年印順《中國禪宗史》等所掀起的禪學風 潮,引發出不少相關領域之研究,「禪與詩」研究,即是其中引人注目的部分。 1971 年至1988 年,巴壺天《藝海微瀾》、《禪骨詩心集》,杜松柏《禪學與唐 宋詩學》、《禪與詩》,以及陳慧劍《寒山子研究》等陸續推出,在「禪公案的解 讀」及「禪詩的分析」方面,都有殊多建樹。1990 年代繼起的同一研究領域之 「新秀」,另闢研究取徑,得出極為豐碩的成果。諸如楊惠南《禪思與禪詩── 吟詠在禪詩的密林裡》、蕭麗華《唐代詩歌與禪學》、蔡榮婷系列「牧牛圖詩」論 文及《祖堂集禪宗詩偈研究》等,在「禪思與禪詩研究的確立」與「禪宗典籍中 禪詩的探析」方面,均有開創性、新穎性的觀察。惟這些研究仍有罅漏與不足, 尚待檢討。 歷代禪僧與文人所作禪詩卷帙浩繁,當中以「禪公案」為津梁之「頌古詩」, 以及「開悟詩」、「上堂詩」等,備載、體現了豐富的禪理與禪境,諸如「如來藏 緣起」、「人人本來是佛(本覺)」、「眾生皆有佛性」、「般若空」等禪宗思想,「喝 佛罵祖」、「棒喝」、「平常心是道」、「觸目會道」、「不可說」等禪風,以及「無我 出世」、「無我又入世」的灑脫、無所執著、空靈清涼,或同體大悲的禪境。這些 思想、禪風和境界,與一般世俗學問或其他宗教哲理,顯有差異,當它們體現在 詩文上,其義涵、精神與意境,自然與眾不同。 學界目前有關戰後台灣「禪與詩」研究成績的整理與檢討,已見若干研究文 獻,但這類整理工作尚缺乏系統性與完整性,亟待填補、充實。實際上,戰後台 灣「禪與詩」研究的緣起,與胡適、鈴木大拙、印順諸賢的禪學論諍與研究有密 切連繫關係。本研究計畫:「戰後台灣『禪與詩』詮釋進路的變革——以『禪公 案與禪詩』為中心的探討」,是從「禪學研究」到「禪與詩」研究的進一步開拓 與深化,亦屬「禪」系列研究計畫之一。擬透過全面、系統地梳理當代佛教禪文 化之研究成果,釐清從「禪學研究」到巴氏等六人「禪與詩」研究之間的連繫關 係,盼以「禪公案與禪詩」為中心,期對戰後台灣「禪與詩」詮釋進路的變革得 出更寬廣而客觀之發現與收穫。

In post-war Taiwan, the studies of Buddhism were getting more prosperous, especially the learning of Zen that was obviously popular. The arguments over the learning of Zen made between Hu Shih and D.T. Suzuki in 1949, Hu Shih’s Cases about the Learning of Zen written in the 1950’s, and Yin Shun’s History of Zen Sect in China written in 1971, etc. stirred up the trend of the learning of Zen, bringing about a lot of studies of the related realms. The study of “Zen and Poetry”was one of the noticeable parts at that time. From 1971 to 1988, many works of Zen were successively published, including Slight Waves in the Sea of Arts and Collection of Zen’s Bones and Poetry’s Hearts written by Pa Hu-Tien, The Learning of Zen and the Poetics of Tang and Sung Dynasties and Zen and Poetry written by Tu Sung-Po, and A Study of Han Shan Tzu written by Chen Huei-Chien, and so on. These works had much contribution to the “interpretation of the Cases of Master Zen”and the “analysis of Zen poetry.” The subsequent “stars of the new generation”involving in the same research realm in the 1990’s looked for other different research paths and acquired extremely fruitful results. For example, there were Yang Huei-Nan’s Zen’s Thinking and Zen’s Poetry –– Reciting in the Dense Forest of Zen Poems, Hsiao Li-Hua’s Poems and Learning of Zen in Tang Dynasty, and Tsai Jung-Ting’s a series of research papers on “Poems of Cattle Pasture Painting”and A Study of Poetry of Zen Sect Collected by Ancestors, etc. All these works have innovative and fresh observation. There are numerous scrolls and books of Zen poems written by the Zen monks, nuns and intellectuals of so many previous generations. Among them, the “Cases of Master Zen” are the “Ancient Poems of Praise” of Chin Liang, and the “Enlightenment Poems,”“Shang Tang Poems,”etc. embody the abundant truths and situations of Zen, such as these thinking of Zen Sect, “origin of Buddha,”“everybody was originally Buddha (self-awareness),”“all the ordinary people have Buddhist character,”“Buddhist emptiness,”etc.; the Zen’s trend, “rebuking Buddhism and blaming the ancestors”or “scolding”; the Zen’s styles, “holding a normal attitude is the right way,”“the right ways are everywhere,”“it cannot be said,”etc.; and the free, easy, stubborn-free, empty-hearted, cool, or greatly merciful Zen situations, “selfless entrance to the Buddhist world,”and “selfless entrance to the secular world.” All these thinking, Zen’s trend, styles and situations are apparently different from the general secular knowledge or other religious philosophical theories. When they are embodied in poetry, their implications, spirits and artistic conceptions are naturally unique and unusual. Currently, there have been some research literature in the academic circle collating and reviewing the research results of “Zen and Poetry”in post-war Taiwan. However, these collation works still lack a systematic and complete sense, and more supplementation and enrichment are urgently needed. As a matter of fact, the origin of the studies of “Ze
目次一、計畫中英文摘要 2
二、計畫緣起與目的 4
三、研究結果與討論 9
四、計畫成果自評 10
五、參考文獻 10

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