More Than Seeking for Sacredness: New Light on the Carving the Jiaxing Canon at Mount Wutai=何止追求神聖性: 《嘉興藏》在五臺山的刊刻新解 |
著者 |
Zhang, Dewei (著)=張德偉 (au.)
掲載誌 |
一山而五頂:多學科、跨方域、多文化視野中的五臺信仰研究國際學術研討會=An International Conference The Mountain of Five Plateaus: Studies of The Wutai Cult in Multidisciplinary and Transborder/Cultural Approaches
出版年月日 | 2015.07 |
出版者 | 山西省佛教協會 |
出版地 | 山西, 中國 [Shanxi, China] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | 主辦方: Buddhist association of Shanxi Province 山西省佛教協會 作者單位:University of Macau 澳門大學 |
抄録 | It has attracted much scholarly attention in recent years to explore how the mobilization of resources has affected the development of Chinese Buddhism. By examining the result of a particular mobilizing project, we have a better chance to detect the interplay of various elements involved and thus to well appreciate the vitality of Buddhism. As a huge project that required tremendous human and material resources to carry through, the making of the Buddhist canon in pre-modern East Asia provides us with a rare opportunity in this regard. Among more than twenty printed versions of the canon, the Jiaxing canon deserves particular attention for two reasons: it was the biggest one, consisting of about 12,000 fascicles of Buddhist texts; its creation was most time-consuming, requiring more than 200 years to finish. Scholars have tended to view the creation of this canon as a story of courage and commitment, but they fail to explain a significant and meaningful fact: the project was originally planned to complete within ten years. So, why were the organizers of the project so ambitious to produce the canon in such a short time period in the first place? What caused the procrastination of about 200 years? Was it accidental? How could the project still be finished after experiencing such a delay? What changes happened over the course of time? This paper examines the early stage of making the Jiaxing canon at Mount Wutai in hope of discovering the elements that were at work and how their interaction affected the project. That phase lasted only four years, from Wanli 17 to 20 (1589-1592), but the result has proved most fruitful. This paper reveals that Mount Wutai was deliberately chosen as the site for the project for both sacred and secular reasons. Religiously, as scholars have recognized, this arrangement was to enhance the attractiveness of the project by borrowing sacredness from Bodhisattva Mañjuśrī. A more important but oft-ignored fact, however, is that the mountain was actually seen by the organizers of the project as an ideal location to draw resources from Beijing, especially from the inner and outer court. Such a strategy resulted in the failure to get the local people of Shanxi, in which Mount Wutai was located, involved in the project, even though they had already shown strength and enthusiasm enough for supporting this kind of project. That the coordinators of the Jiaxing project mostly came from South China might be a contributing factor to this strange ignorance. This heavy dependence on the court proved disastrous: when the supporting force at the Wanli court collapsed as consequence of intense court strife, the project was forced to move from Mount Wutai to south China, thereby marking the gloomy end of the early stage of producing the canon. Afterwards, the Jiaxing project continued slowly, and only with local support it obtained from Jiangnan societies was it finally brought to a completion more than one hundred years later than planned. 近年來,探究各種資源的動員和結果是如何影響了中國佛教的發展,已經吸引了學者相當的注意。而通過考察一個特定的項目,我們能夠更好地發現參與動員的種種因素之間的相互作用,並由此更好地理解佛教的生命力。在前現代的東亞社會,雕造佛教大藏經是一個巨大工程,需要投入巨量的人力、物力資源才能保證其得以完工,由此為我們在此方面提供了一個難得的機會。 在多達二十餘種的刊本大藏經中,嘉興藏尤其值得注意,原因有二:它卷帙最為浩繁,有各種佛教文獻約1萬2千卷;它的完成耗時最長,前後逾二百年。學者們習慣于把嘉興藏的雕刊看作是一個充滿勇氣與獻身的故事,但未夠解釋如下這一意義重大而充滿意味的事實:該雕造專案原本計畫於10年內完工。那麼,嘉興藏的組織者們,最初為何能夠如此自信,計畫在如此短暫的時間內完成該專案?此後又是什麼原因,造成了約200年的延遲?這些都只是意外嗎?在經歷了如此漫長的延遲之後,該項目為何仍然能夠完成?在此漫長過程中,都發生了什麼變化? 本文考察嘉興藏於五臺山雕造的早期階段,希望發現在其中發揮作用的各種因素以及它們的互動,是如何影響了這一工程。該時期雖然只有四年,從萬曆17至20年(1589-1592),但非常高效。本文揭示出,五臺山被選擇為刻經場所,是出於神聖與世俗方面的精心考慮。在宗教方面,正如學者已經看到的,通過借助文殊菩薩的神聖性,這樣的安排加強了這一雕造工程的吸引力。但是,在世俗方面,一個更為重要但經常被忽略的事實是,刻經組織者實際上把五臺山看作一個從北京尤其是內廷和外廷汲取資源的理想之地。受此策略影響,即使已然表現出了足夠的力量及熱情,五臺山所在山西地區的地方民眾,也未被有效動員。這一奇怪的忽視,與組織和策劃嘉興藏者多數來自江南可能有關。這種對於宮廷的過度依賴被證明是災難性的:當來自萬曆朝廷的支持力量因為激烈的宮廷鬥爭而瓦解時,刻經就被迫從五臺山遷移至江南,從而結束了嘉興藏雕造的早期階段。此後,嘉興藏的刊刻一直緩慢地延續,但只有在獲得江南社會支持後,才在比原計劃晚了至少一百年後最終完工。 |
ヒット数 | 257 |
作成日 | 2020.10.21 |
更新日期 | 2020.10.28 |

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