

「心靈環保」組織:二十一世紀之「修行型組織」=“PSE Organization”: From Inner Peace to World Peace
著者 釋果光 (著)=Guo-Guang Shi (au.)
掲載誌 聖嚴研究:第七輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.7
ページ173 - 229
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類專題研究論文=Research Paper
ノート作者單位:法鼓山教團都監=Provost, Dharma Drum Mountain Organization
キーワード心靈環保=Protecting the Spiritual Environment; 「心靈環保」組織=PSE Organization; 修行型組織=Practicing Organization; Six Ethics of the Mind; Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign; 漢傳禪觀

As the human race entered the 21st century, people began to realize that the current developmental patterns of human society were not sustainable. Pressing issues relating to the global economic crisis, the imbalance of production and consumption, financial market volatility, ecological destruction, degradation of the natural environment, climate change, poverty, and social injustice have now become quite serious. As a result, the world’s religious leaders are looking for the best solutions to benefit the human race. Master Sheng Yen (1930-2009), founder of the Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM) organization, attempted to address these contemporary global issues by introducing the groundbreaking concept of Protecting the Spiritual Environment (PSE) in 1992. More than just a religious concept or movement, PSE also provides practical ideas and methods to help face the world’s situation. However, when Master Sheng Yen passed away in 2009, several pertinent issues concerning the construction and development of DDM emerged and challenged the organization’s situation. Five years after the passing of Master Sheng Yen, DDM has taken a necessary step to reflect on and weigh its present role in the advancement of both Buddhism and human society. DDM is also reconsidering how PSE will become the principle in leadership and management in the context of the organization, thus pioneering the inaugural idea of a PSE Organization. This paper was conducted under the methodology of Action Research, with the purpose of studying how the leaders of DDM practice and implement Buddhism. Instead of elegant theories, this paper focuses on the personal self-reflection that arises in Chan practice. In other words, this paper aims to discuss how DDM’s leaders are steering the development of the organization to a new prospect, in which the primary guidance is firmly grounded in the dual emphasis of Buddhist doctrine and Chan approaches. First and foremost, the Hua Tou method is used to examine leaders who are self-aware and probe the core problems and sticking points that need to be solved in the organization. Second, the Silent Illumination method is employed in analyzing how leaders see the big picture and outline the framework of a “Practicing Organization”. The aims of these leaders include simplification of the organizational structure, rearrangement of job assignments, and reconstruction of values and missions. Silent Illumination is further used in assessing the efforts of how leaders endeavor to steer the whole DDM community back to the correct direction, without being constrained by fund-raising concerns. At the same time, the problems encountered in the process of reform of the system are also considered. Third, this paper will discuss how DDM’s leaders practice the method of Guan Yin in order to strengthen their unity, withstand challenges, and stride past barriers. These efforts will help plot the course of progress, leading the organization to take a great step forward and head into the “Great Light” year of 2015. The inaugural idea of a PSE Organization, which is firmly grounded in the essence of PSE, will lay down a solid foundation for the formation of a Practicing Organization. With the integration of “the Six Ethics of the Mind” as the main pathway, and “the Fivefold Spiritual Renai
目次一、前言 175
(一) 漢傳禪觀 177
(二) 研究方法 180
二、參究「都監是誰?」 183
(一) 話頭的內省力量 184
1. 都監是誰? 185
2. 都監即總護 187
(二) 法鼓山內外情勢 188
1. 外部契機 189
2. 內部轉機 191
三、開創「修行型」組織 195
(一) 組織專案推動 196
1. 專案形成 197
2. 專案運作 200
(二)心靈環保組織 204
1. 組織定位 204
2. 組織體系 207
四、實踐「菩薩道」精神 210
(一) 修行觀音法門 211
1. 耳根圓通法門 212
2. 聞聲救苦精神 214
(二) 處處觀音菩薩 216
1. 教授善知識 217
2. 同行善知識 219
五、結論 221
參考文獻 224
英文摘要 227

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