1949 年來臺陸僧的菲律賓弘化=Mission to Philippine by Chinese Buddhist Monks who Retreated to Taiwan on 1949 |
著者 |
闞正宗 (著)=Kan, Cheng-Tsung (au.)
掲載誌 |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
巻号 | n.33 |
出版年月日 | 2020.10.09 |
ページ | 103 - 132 |
出版者 | 玄奘大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:佛光大學佛教學系副教授 玄奘論壇 |
キーワード | 菲律賓=Philippine; 中華佛學會=The Chinese Buddhist society; 印順; 釋自立= venerable Zi-li; 清和姑=Chin Ho-ku |
抄録 | 中國歷史上的華人移居南洋,主要基於兩大因素,一是經商,一是戰亂。近現代華人移居南洋高峰期是十八世紀末至十九世紀初,這一時也正是列強侵略及殖民中國時期。 民國 20 年,僑界佛教徒組織「旅菲中華佛學會」;民國 25 年 10 月,該會在馬尼拉購地創建大乘信願寺,此乃民國漢傳佛教在菲律賓落地生根之始。然有寺乏僧是當時的困境。 1955 年,從大陸到香港,輾轉來臺的印順法師(1906-2005)首次蒞菲弘法,所到之處引發華僑學佛熱潮。兩年後,來臺的江蘇籍自立(1927-2010)與唯慈(1936-2019)法師,應菲律賓普賢中學創辦人劉梅生之請,分別主持馬尼拉、宿霧兩校校務,弘揚「太虛法系」的「人間(生)佛教」。 本文以菲律賓為中心,旨在探討 1949 年以降的臺菲佛教交流,即大陸來臺緇素以臺灣為中轉的漢傳佛教「太虛法系」的海外弘法,以菲律賓弘法的印順法師及自立、唯慈法師等為中心。
Historically Chinese immigrants to South-East Asia were for two reasons. The one was for business. Another was caused by war. It was the climax period that Chinese immigrated there from the end of Eighteenth to early years of Nineteenth century. At the same time, China was invaded and colonized by imperial power. On 1931, the Chinese Buddhists Society started in Philippine. On October 1936, they purchased land and built up the Dachengshinyuan temple. Since then the Chinese Buddhism was started and rooted in Philippine. However it faced a hard time because of scarcity of Buddhist monks. Master Yin Shuen (1906-2005), who retreated to Taiwan via Hong Kong, visited and did his first missionary in Philippine on 1955. He achieved the trend that foreign Chinese took refuge in Buddhism. Two years latter, both venerable Zi-li(1927-2010) and venerable Wei Tsz who born in Jiangsu and retreated to Taiwan, were invited by Mr. Liou Meisheng, the founder of the Philippine Pushian High School, to manage branch schools in Manila and Cebu. And they also propagated the Humanity Buddhism which belonged to Master Tai Hsu’s dharma system. This article is to probe the Buddhist missionary matter between Taiwanand Philippine since 1949. It focuses on Master Yin Shuen(印順), Venerable Zi-li(自立)and Venerable Wei-Tsz(唯慈), who were based on Master Tai Hsu's Humanity Buddhism dharma system and did their missionary work in Philippine. |
目次 | 一、前言 107 二、近代華僑與菲律賓佛教 108 三、1949 年之後來臺陸僧的菲島弘法 110 (一)印順法師 110 1. 妙欽法師因緣首赴菲 110 2. 性願法師祝壽二赴馬尼拉 116 3. 三度蒞菲支持「西藏抗暴」 117 4. 弘法四度蒞菲行 118 5. 五訪菲律賓辭上座 119 (二)自立與唯慈法師 120 1. 菲律賓佛教居士林與普賢中學劉梅生 120 2. 弘化兩校 121 四、菲律賓「太虛法系」 124 五、結語 126 |
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
ヒット数 | 491 |
作成日 | 2021.01.19 |
更新日期 | 2021.01.19 |
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