BOOK REVIEWS Terai Ryōsen. Tendai endonkai shisō no seiritsu to tenkai |
著者 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著)
掲載誌 |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト
巻号 | v.49 n.1/2 New series |
出版年月日 | 2018 |
ページ | 259 - 264 |
出版者 | Eastern Buddhist Society, Otani University=大谷大学東方仏教徒協会=イースタン・ブディスト協会(EBS) |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 京都, 日本 [Kyoto, Japan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | Tendai endonkai shisō no seiritsu to tenkai 天台円頓戒思想の成立と 展開 (The Formation and Evolution of Theories of the Perfect and Sudden Precepts by Japanese Tendai Monks). By Terai Ryōsen 寺井良宣. Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 2016. xx + 668 + 24 pages. Hardcover: ISBN 978-4-8318-7387-3. |
抄録 | The present volume is a groundbreaking study of the perfect and sudden precepts (endonkai 圓頓戒, also known as the bodhisattva precepts) in medieval and early modern Tendai 天台 Buddhism. It consists of three parts. Part one takes up the Kamakura 鎌倉 period (1185–1333) precepts revival movement within the Tendai school known as the Kurodani lineage (Kurodani-ryū 黒谷流). Part two presents a detailed analysis of the Tendai interpretation of the ten major precepts found in the Brahmajāla Sutra (Fanwang jing 梵網経). Part three discusses four Tendai monks of the Muromachi 室町 (1336–1573) and Edo 江戸 (1603–1868) periods, focusing in particular on their understanding of the precepts and the nenbutsu 念仏. |
ISSN | 00128708 (P) |
ヒット数 | 225 |
作成日 | 2021.07.28 |
更新日期 | 2022.04.07 |

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