

A Study on the Methods of Extinguishing Anger in Buddhism
著者 Ven., Thach Pa (著) ; Ven. Walmoruwe Piyarattana (著)=Piyarattana, Walmoruwe (au.) ; Nimanong, Veerachart (著)
掲載誌 The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities
巻号v.11 n.1
ページ17 - 29
出版者International Association of Buddhist Universities
出版サイト http://www.iabu.org/
出版地Thailand [泰國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノートAuthor affiliation: International Buddhist Studies, CollegeMahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
キーワードAnger; management; defilement; extinguishing
抄録This research article has three objectives, namely: (1) to study the causes and ef-fects of anger in Buddhism in general, (2) to study the methods of extinguishing anger in Buddhism, and (3) to study the benefi ts of extinguishing anger in Buddhism.During this research, it was found that there are many causes and effects of anger according to Buddhism. Concerning the causes of anger, it is mostly caused by unwhole-some roots (akusala mūla), worldly conditions (lokadhamma), defi lements (kilesa), craving (taṇhā), etc. Moreover, concerning the effects of anger, anger directly affects one’s self and others.Furthermore, the researcher found that there are two benefi ts of extinguishing anger in Buddhism, those are benefi ts for oneself and benefi ts for others. In addition, there are some more benefi ts, which are: one not destroys one’s life, is shameful to do evil, knows the advantages of Dhamma, and experiences a cool mind all the time. On the other hand, the benefi ts of extinguishing anger for others are: one respects and is kind to all beings, lives together with others in peace and harmony.The paper also discusses the meaning and the problems of anger in Buddhism in general, and discusses the methods of extinguishing anger in Buddhism. In the research, it was found that there are several methods of extinguishing anger in Buddhism. Particularly important is the refl ection method, which is the refl ection on the Buddha’s teachings, and refl ection on many different objectives in order to extinguishing anger.
目次Introduction 18
The Meaning and the Problems of Anger in Buddhism in Genera 19
The Methods of Extinguishing Anger in Buddhism 19
1.Reflection on Mental Impurities of the Anger 20
2.Reflection on Demerit of Anger 20
3.Reflection on Goodness of Other 21
4.Reflecting that Self-Punishment is Just a Form of Fulfilling Enemy’s Wishes 21
5.Reflection on Anger as Causing Pain to Ourselve 22
6.Reflection on Inheritance of Kamm 22
7.Reflection on Past Life Stories of the Buddh 23
8.Reflection on Relatives in Saṁsara, Endless Cycle of Life Transmigration 24
9.Reflection on the Merit of Loving-Kindnes 24
10.Reflection on the Division of Elemen 25
11.Reflection on Causes and Effects, and Practice of Generos 26
12.Reflection on Buddhist Prover 26
Conclusion 28
ISSN19068190 (P)

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