

The Way Of Application Of The Four Sublime States (Brahmavihāra) Doctrine To The Daily Life of Nuns
著者 Masrungson, Poonsuk (著) ; Thukhavati (著) ; Mahatthanadull, Sanu (著)
掲載誌 The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities
巻号v.11 n.1
ページ178 - 191
出版者International Association of Buddhist Universities
出版サイト http://www.iabu.org/
出版地Thailand [泰國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノートAuthor affiliation: nternational Buddhist Studies College, Mahàchulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
キーワードMettà; Karunà; Mudità; Upekkhà
抄録This research article is about ‘The Way of Application of the Four Sublime States (Brahmavihàra) Doctrine to the Daily Life of Nuns’. It was aims to understand the meaning, the type and the characteristic of the four sublime states in theravàda buddhist scriptures. From the study, it is found that Love, embracing impartially all sentient beings, and not only those who are useful, pleasing or amusing to us. Love, embracing all beings, be they noble-minded or low-minded, good or evil. The noble and the good are embraced because love is fl owing to them spontaneously. The low-minded and evil-minded are included because they are those who are most in need of love.The more sublime and noble the joy of others is, the more justifi ed will be our own sympathetic joy. A cause for our joy with others is their noble life securing them happiness here and in lives hereafter. A still nobler cause for our joywith others is their faith in the Dhamma, their understanding of the Dhamma, their following the Dhamma. Sympathetic joy means a sublime nobility of heart and intellect which knows, understands and is ready to help. Sympathetic joy that is strength and gives strength: this is the highest joy. Equanimity is a perfect, unshakable balance of mind, rooted in insight. Looking at the world around us, and looking into our own heart, we see clearly how diffi cult it is to attain and maintain balance of mind. Looking into life we notice how it continually moves between contrasts: rise and fall, success and failure, loss and gain, honour and blame.
目次Introduction 179
Objectives of the Research 180
Research Methodology 180
Research Findings 181
Meaning of the Four Sublime States (Brahmavihàra) 181
Types of the Four Sublime States (Brahmavihàra) 182
Doctrines Supporting to the Four Sublime States (Brahmavihàra) 184
Doctrines Antagonistic to the Four Sublime States (Brahmavihàra) 185
How Nuns Should Apply the Four Sublime States in The Daily Life of Nuns 186
Conclusion 188
ISSN19068190 (P)

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