佛教「無情說法」的學理探究 ── 以聖嚴法師為例的現代應用=“Dharma Delivered by the Insentient Beings” in Chinese Chan Buddhism: The Meanings and Its Application in Modern Society─ The Case of Master Sheng Yen |
著者 |
釋果鏡 (著)=Shih, Guo-jing (au.)
掲載誌 |
聖嚴研究:第九輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.9
出版年月日 | 2017.11 |
ページ | 7 - 50 |
出版者 | 法鼓文化 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
シリーズ | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
シリーズナンバー | 9 |
資料の種類 | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:法鼓文理學院副教授/中華佛學研究所所長 Director, Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies Associate Professor, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts |
キーワード | 無情說法=Wu-Qing-Shuo-Fa=dharma delivered by the insentient beings; 法性=Dharma-nature; 佛性=Buddha nature; 聖嚴法師=Master Sheng Yen; 法鼓山=Dhrama Drum Mountain=DDM |
抄録 | 此研究論題,以漢傳禪宗始於唐朝的「無情說法」之議題,做為主要探討對象。筆者擬以探討「無情說法」的理論基礎為始端,並分析其中的法性與佛性相關之問題,來釐清無情無口、無思怎能說法之疑?再探討歷代祖師如何運用「無情說法」來接機應化禪者?且試圖窺探此法得悟之契機為何?並嘗試探討「無情說法」傳入日本後之演變。 又,以弘揚漢傳禪佛教為主要核心理念的聖嚴法師,在建設法鼓山之硬體建築上,在法鼓山的自然環境之中,如何將此禪法活化?如何將此禪法融入?其中所蘊涵的「無情說法」,其現代意義為何? 以上種種的議題,首先擬圍繞著「無情說法」的理論基礎為中心,將發源於印度的思想,如何在中國發展出數百年的論議?其中禪宗祖師是如何運用「無情說法」的妙用來接機禪子?又「無情說法」傳入日本後,日本人是如何解讀此說?並再度產生新的變革影響日本文化。最後以聖嚴法師的法鼓山為例,闡明「無情說法」發展到現代,如何在現代被應用於自然境教,活活潑潑地展現禪機的內涵。
This study centered around the issue of “Wu-Qing-Shuo-Fa, dharma delivered by the insentient beings”, beginning in Tang dynasty in Chinese Chan Buddhism, as the main object of discussion. The author would begin with the theoretical foundation of “dharma delivered by the insentient beings”, and to further discuss issues related to Dharma-nature and Buddha-nature in this, to clarify the doubts about how the insentient beings, of no mouth or thoughts, could deliver teachings of dharma; and would then review how ancient patriarchs applied such dharma delivered by the insentient beings to adapting Chan practitioners; to scrutinize what the critical incident to enlightenment would be in the approach; and to examine the evolvement after such method being introduced to Japan. In addition, for Master Sheng Yen, considering the propagation of Chinese Chan Buddhism as his core idea, how did he activate the teachings of Chan into the construction of hardware in Dharma Drum Mountain, in the natural settings? How did he merge such teachings into that? What is the modern interpretation of “dharma delivered by the insentient beings” contained in this? For all the various aspects mentioned above, the discussion will first be centered around the theoretical foundation of “dharma delivered by the insentient beings”, to inspect how such thoughts, originated from India, could build up all the deliberations and reflections for hundreds of years in China? How the patriarchs in Chan School applied the delicateness of “dharma delivered by the insentient beings” onto chan practitioners? And after the introduction of “dharma delivered by the insentient beings” to Japan, what would be the perception of the Japanese, which led to further evolution in Japanese culture? Finally, the author will take Dharma Drum Mountain founded by Master Sheng Yen as an example, to illustrate how the development of “dharma delivered by the insentient beings” could be applied in modern times, as in the teachings of natural environment, and to demonstrate the essence of Chan incidents vividly. |
目次 | 一、前言 9 二、印度佛教「無情說法」之學理源流與發展 10 三、「無情說法」在中國的發展 15 四、「無情說法」在日本之影響 28 五、「無情說法」在現代的應用與自然境教 37 六、結語 43 參考文獻 45 英文摘要 49 |
ヒット数 | 464 |
作成日 | 2021.08.06 |
更新日期 | 2021.08.06 |

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