

中華禪法鼓宗話頭禪學理思想之研究 ── 兼論宗密的九對頓漸=A Study of the Dharma Drum Lineage’s Theoretical Thought Regarding Huatou/ Doubt Sensation Chan Meditation: with a Review of the Zongmi Nine-pair Sudden/ Gradual Enlightenment
著者 釋果暉 (著)=Shi, Guo-huei (au.)
掲載誌 聖嚴研究:第九輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.9
ページ197 - 264
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan]
資料の種類專題研究論文=Research Paper
Associate Professor, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
キーワード四諦十六行相=Sixteen Defining Activities of the Four Noble Truths; 祖師禪=Patriarchal Chan; 解悟證悟=Initial Insight and Final Enlightenment; 九對頓漸=Nine-pair Sudden/Gradual Enlightenment; 壇經=Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
抄録佛教傳入中國之後,經過數百年與漢文化激盪與融合之結果,本土化最成功並截取中、印兩大文化 — 佛教文化與漢文化之精髓,而足以代表漢傳佛教之特色者,可說是唐宋以來的禪宗。
筆者於第五屆聖嚴思想國際學術會議發表了〈漢傳禪佛教之起源與開展 — 中華禪法鼓宗默照禪修行體系之建構〉一文,從阿含佛教乃至部派佛教中發掘漢禪佛教的思想淵源,並發現了默照禪法之修行原理與方法。
一、從俱解脫到慧解脫 — 以數息觀為例。 
四、從如來禪到祖師禪 — 頓漸悟修。

After its introduction to China, Buddhism underwent dramatic competition against, and fusion with, Chinese culture for hundreds of years. The Chan School after the Tang and Song dynasties can be regarded as the most successfully localized school. Drawing from the essence of both Buddhist and Chinese culture, it has best exemplified the characteristics of Chinese Buddhism.
The “gateless gate of Chan” and “where the path of words is cut off” are both ideas often mentioned in Chinese Chan Buddhism. There is a large volume of discourse from ancient Chan masters, which has been and continues to be guiding texts for Chan practice. However, historically, the Chan School has talked little about constructing a system of Chinese Chan Buddhist thought, practice within the general development of Indian and Chinese Buddhism. In this study, a new attempt is proposed. The author would like to investigate the theoretical system of Huatou/Doubt Sensation Chan Meditation in Chinese Chan Buddhism from the viewpoint of the history of Indian and Chinese Buddhist thought. At the same time, through an examination of important Buddhist scriptures and works from Chan masters, this paper also discusses whether the philosophical thought regarding Huatou/Doubt Sensation Chan Meditation, which was inherited from Indian Buddhism and then transformed into a sect of Chinese Chan Buddhism, presents a coherent approach to Chan practice. The ultimate aim of this study is to evaluate and cultivate the characteristics of the Dharma Drum lineage of Chinese Chan Buddhism.
In 2014, the author delivered a paper entitled, “The Origins and Development of Chinese Chan Buddhism: A Study of the Mozhao/ Silent Illumination Chan Meditation System of the Dharma Drum Lineage,” at the 5th International Sheng Yen Education Foundation Conference. That paper explored the original concepts of Chinese Chan Buddhism beginning with Agama Buddhism and continuing to Sectarian Buddhism.
Being one of the two mainstream meditation methods of the Dharma Drum lineage, Huatou/Doubt Sensation Chan Meditation began in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty, especially during the time of the great Chan master Dahui Zonggao 大慧宗杲 (1089-1163).
This paper will discuss four topics.
(1) From both kinds of liberation to wisdom liberation: an example of ānâpāna-smṛti meditaton.
(2) Sixteen defining activities of the Four Noble Truths and Huatou/Doubt Sensation Chan Meditation.
(3) The Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra and chanji (profound functions).
(4) From Tathāgata Chan to Patriarchal Chan, with a focus on Huatou Chan and an examination of the Chan Meditation Theoretical Thought of Chinese Chan Buddhism, extending from Mahayana Buddhism in India to Chinese Buddhism before the Tang Dynasty (2nd to 6th centuries CE).
目次一、從俱解脫到慧解脫 — 以數息觀為例 199
二、四諦十六行相與話頭禪法 203
三、《楞伽經》與禪機 210
四、從如來禪到祖師禪 — 頓漸悟修 212
(一)《楞伽經》的四漸四頓 214
(二) 達摩的二入四行 215
(三)《壇經》的頓修頓悟 217
(四) 神會的頓悟漸修 220
(五) 澄觀的解悟證悟 223
(六) 宗密的九對頓漸 224
(七) 中華禪的開悟三種類型 238
(八)《壇經》的「漸修」、「頓修」與「頓悟」在實踐上意義 248
1.《壇經》的「漸修」與「頓修」VS. 宗密的「漸修」與「頓修」250
2.《壇經》的「頓悟」VS. 宗密的「頓悟」250
3.《壇經》的頓修頓悟 VS. 宗密的頓修頓悟 251
4.《壇經》的漸修頓悟 VS. 宗密的漸修頓悟 252
五、結論 252
附錄 254
參考文獻 257
英文摘要 263

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