著者 |
常青 =Chang, Qing
掲載誌 |
杭州文博=Hangzhou Relics and Museology
巻号 | n.23 |
出版年月日 | 2020 |
ページ | 13 - 19 |
出版者 | 杭州市園林文物局 |
出版地 | 杭州, 中國 [Hangzhou, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 慧開=Huikai; 黃龍洞=Yellow Dragon Cave; 黃龍祖師=Master of Yellow Dragon; 半身像=half-length statue; 石窟寺=cave temple; 佛教藝術=Buddhist art |
抄録 | 慧開是生活在南宋中晚期的杭州著名禪僧,其著作《無門關》對後世修禪有一定的影響。他在杭州的 顯著功績是建立護國仁王寺,並利用寺後龍洞中的龍之神跡來為大眾祈雨。此龍神在明代被稱為“黃龍”, 並認為這條龍是跟隨著慧開來到該寺後山居住的 , 他就被人們尊稱為“黃龍祖師”。在杭州黃龍洞景區棲霞 嶺後的山麓上有一人工鑿成的洞穴,原洞內正壁有慧開肖像,像前有石幾案。明代文獻認為它是慧開為自己 雕造的半身肖像 , 但其雕造年代可能是南宋晚期或元代。此像不僅對我們研究中國古代僧人肖像史有幫助, 也對研究半身像的雕造史意義重大。這尊原始石雕慧開像約毀於 19 世紀中期的太平天國之亂,之後信徒們 以泥塑的方式補做此像。補做的泥塑像也於“文革”之初被毀。
Huikai (1183-1260) was a well-known Chan Buddhist master from mid to late Southern Song Hangzhou in present-day Zhejiang province of China. His work Wumen Guan was influential in the area of practicing Chan Buddhism. In Hangzhou, his most important achievement is sponsoring the construction of Huguo Renwang Monastery, and prayed for raining by controlling the miracle of the dragon living in the dragon cave behind the monastery. During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), the dragon was called “Yellow Dragon”. Therefore, people respectfully called Huikai as the Master of Yellow Dragon. In the scenic site of Yellow Dragon Cave in Hangzhou, there is an artificial cave at the halfway of Qixia hill. Inside the cave was a clay statue of Huikai, in front of which was a stone altar. According the Ming dynasty texts, Huikai sponsored the statue for himself, but its date probably was late Southern Song or Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). The bust is helpful for the study of half-length portraits or images from Chinese history. Originally, it was a stone statue destroyed by the Taiping Rebellion (1851-1864). After that, the Buddhist devotees sponsored the clay statue, which was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). |
目次 | 一、慧開及其祈雨道場 14 二、黃龍洞與慧開像 16 三、結束語 18 |
ヒット数 | 187 |
作成日 | 2021.08.18 |
更新日期 | 2024.01.26 |

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