關於月稱的二諦理論不共其餘宗義之思想探究=Exploration of the Distinctions of Candrakīrti's Theory of the Two Truths from Other Tenet Schools |
著者 |
丹增南卓 (著)=Tenzin, Namdol (au.)
掲載誌 |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
巻号 | n.11 |
出版年月日 | 2020.12 |
ページ | 95 - 122 |
出版者 | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為:法光佛教研究所弘法講師 |
キーワード | 入中論=Madhyamakāvatāra; 二諦=two truths; 月稱=Candrakīrti; 勝義諦=ultimate truth; 世俗諦=conventional truth; 四部宗派=four schools of tenets; 中觀應成派=Prāsaṅgika |
抄録 | 龍樹在《中觀根本慧論》中提到:「諸佛依二諦,為眾生說法,一以世俗諦,二第一義諦。若人不能知,分別於二諦,則於深佛法,不知真實義。」雖然內外道宗派皆會提及「二諦」之概念,但本文將分別就毗婆沙宗等內道四部宗派,對於「勝義諦」和「世俗諦」的認知進行分析,進而了解龍樹、佛護、月稱等中觀應成論師的思想及見解。針對二諦的認知方面,則透由月稱的《入中論》進一步闡述:必須以二諦的名言施設作為基礎,並掌握佛陀的教理。因為若不了知二諦的真實性,就無法通達甚深微細的佛法義理,且若未分析各宗派所認知的二諦,將不會突顯出中觀應成派的不共見解。因此,筆者尋思月稱的思想脈絡,以印度哲學理路辨別各宗派對於「勝義諦」和「世俗諦」的認知,論及了《入中論》中建立二諦起源、破除二諦有自性之觀念、正確認知二諦的重要性,而且如何以經教和正理抉擇二諦,並依世間名言分析世俗諦,再論述中觀應成派對二諦的不共思想。
It says in the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way) by Nāgārjuna, "Buddhas teach the doctrines // Correctly relying on the two truths // Worldly conventional truth and // Ultimate truth. // Those who do not know // The division into the two truths // Know not the profound reality // Of the Buddha's teachings." While the concept of the two truths is discussed widely by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, this study focuses on analyzing the perspectives on the ultimate truth and the conventional truth of the four Buddhist schools of tenets, including the Great Exposition School (Vaibhāṣika) and takes a further step toward understanding the Consequence School’s (Prāsaṅgika's) thoughts and views manifested in the works of Nāgārjuna, Buddhapālita, and Chandrakīrti. The Consequentialists' approach to the two truths is expounded in Chandrakīrti's Madhyamakāvatāra (Supplement to "Treatise on the Middle"): One should gain the insight into the Buddha's teachings by first understanding the imputed existence of the two truths. Without knowing the reality of the two truths, one may not realize the profoundness and subtlety of the Buddhist doctrine. In order to fully appreciate the Consequentialists' unique presentations of the two truths, it is necessary to compare and contrast the views of the other schools of tenets. This study intends to elucidate how Chandrakīrti examined with logical reasoning, which is well preserved in Indian philosophical heritage, the interpretations of the conventional truth and the ultimate truth by various schools of tenets. It also explores how Chandrakīrti in the Madhyamakāvatāra presents the two truths, refutes their inherent existence, and stresses the importance of correctly understanding the two truths. It goes further to show how he validates the two truths with scriptural proofs and logical reasoning, analyzes the conventional truth on the basis of imputation, and propounds the Consequentialists’ distinctive thoughts. |
目次 | 壹、前言 98 貳、毗婆沙宗等宗派對於二諦的認知 100 一、毗婆沙宗對於二諦的認知 100 二、經部宗對於二諦的認知 101 三、唯識宗對於二諦的認知 102 參、中觀宗對於二諦的認知 102 一、中觀自續對二諦的認知 103 二、中觀應成對二諦的認知 104 (一)二諦建立之起源 104 (二)二諦非有自性 106 肆、正確認知二諦的重要性 109 一、正確認知二諦 109 二、以經教與正理證抉擇二諦 112 三、依世間分析俗諦 113 四、二諦不共的認知 117 伍、結語 118 參考書目 120 一、中文藏經 120 二、藏文藏經 120 三、專書 121 四、工具書、其他 122 |
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
ヒット数 | 163 |
作成日 | 2021.08.25 |

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