

초기불교의 경영리더십 연구=A Study on the Management Leadership in Early Buddhist scriptures
著者 장성우 (著)=Jang, Sung-woo (au.)
掲載誌 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea
巻号v.25 n.1
ページ5 - 27
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノート저자정보: 한국불교사연구소
キーワード초기불교=early Buddhism; 불교경영=Buddhist management; 서번트 리더십=Servant Leadership; 변혁적 리더십=Transformational Leadership; 카리스마 리더십=Charismatic Leadershi
抄録초기경전에 나타난 불교적 경영리더십에 대한 관점을 고찰해보면, 동업관 계에서 발휘되는 리더십이 나타나고 있는 자따까에는 지혜를 통한 카리스 마 리더십을 중심으로 변혁적 리더십과 서번트 리더십 요인도 발견된다. 또 한 아함경과 니까야 등 여타의 초기경전에는 명령과 복종의 관계에서 발 휘되는 리더십이 나타나고 있는데, 자비와 배려로 구성원의 성장을 돕는 서 번트 리더십을 중심으로 변혁적 리더십 요인도 파악된다. 그리고 사섭법은 동업관계와 명령과 복종의 관계를 불문하고 모든 관계에서 적용되는 리더십 으로서, 타인에 대한 존중과 자비심으로 타인에게 이득을 주는 서번트 리더 십 요인이 강하다.

There are various economic and corporate management thoughts in Early Buddhist scriptures. Considering the Buddhist business management leadership in Early Buddhist scriptures, the most important leadership in Jataka discovered in business partnerships between equal relation of partner is wisdom, and in the second place, business knowledge and merciful heart are found frequently. Main factor of leadership in Jataka is Charismatic Leadership when we consider the fact that wisdom is most frequently found in Jataka, and there is Transformational Leadership factor in Jataka when we consider the fact that not only business knowledge but also friendliness and compassion are used by leader(Bodhisattva) while leader educate the member. Furthermore, there is Servant Leadership factor in Jataka when we consider the fact that leader(Bodhisattva) treats people with friendliness and compassion. Thus we may consider the main leadership is Charismatic Leadership, and the additional leaderships are Transformational Leadership and Servant Leadership between equal relation between partner in Jataka
The most important leadership factors are employer’s friendliness & compassion and respect toward employee, the next important leadership factor is employer’s guidance that employee may grow up socially and economically while employee display his ability by himself within the relationship between subordinates and superiors in Early Buddhist scriptures like Āgama and Nikāya and so on. Thus Servant Leadership factor that employer leads employee to display his ability through employer’s friendliness & compassion and respect toward members is important, and Transformational Leadership factor is found too while employer be considerate of employee’s self realization needs and employer teach employee to perform purification in Bulseolsunsengjhagyung Sutra(佛說善生子經, Buddha Speaks to Sunseng Layman Sutra). Therefore, there is Servant Leadership factor as the center and Transformational Leadership factor is found within the relationship between subordinates and superiors.
The four methods employed by Bodhisattva to attract sentient beings to the Buddha's teaching(사섭법, 四攝法) are leadership which may be applied to all relations without distinction of the equal relation between partners and the relationship between subordinates and superiors, and Servant Leadership factor is important because one tries to give benefit to other people through one’s friendliness & compassion and respect toward other people in the four methods employed by Bodhisattva to attract sentient beings to the Buddha's teaching.
目次Ⅰ. 머리말 6
Ⅱ. 고대인도의 상업과 경영 8
Ⅲ. 초기경전에 나타난 경영리더십 9
1. 『자따까』의 경영리더십 9
2. 여타 초기경전의 경영리더십 14
Ⅳ. 맺음말 21
ISSN20926553 (P)

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