

『傳心法要』에 나타난 大乘禪觀 小考=A Study on the Chan Perspectives of Mahayana Buddhism as Reflected in ChuanxinFayao
著者 신명희 (著)=Sin, Myung-hee (au.)
掲載誌 한국불교학=韓國佛教學
巻号v.79 n.0
ページ193 - 222
出版サイト http://ikabs.org/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノート저자정보: 조계종 교육아사리
キーワード傳心法要=Chuanxin fayao; 宛陵錄=Wanlinglu; 大乘禪觀=Chan perspectives of Mahayana Buddhism; 黃檗希運=Huangbo Xiyun; 語錄; “The mind is Buddha”; recorded sayings; Sudden enlightenment
抄録黃檗希運은 사회적으로는 唐代 안사의 난과 회창파불의 격동기를 지나 활동한 선사이다. 불교사적으로는 禪宗의 5가 7종이 성립되려는 무렵이다. 황벽의 선사상은 簡明直截하며, 孤高한 실천자로서 강한 개성적인 면이 드러나 있다. 조사선 선풍의 면모를 여실하게 보여준다. 황벽의 어록은 『傳心法要..와 『宛 陵錄』인데, 序文을 쓰고, 필록한 사람이 裵休이다.
북방불교 선종 초기, 각 선종이 자파의 선사상을 확립하면서 대승경전의 禪觀을 도입했는데, 『전심법요』와 『완릉록』에도 다양한 경전이 인용되어 있다. 『금강경』과 『유마경』에서는 無相과 無心,『법화경』에서는 一乘,『열반경』에서는 佛性,『화엄경』에서는 唯心,『관무량수경』의 卽心是佛,『대승기신론』의 一心 등이 인용되어 있다. 이렇게 대승선관을 배경으로 한 황벽 어록의 대표 선사상은 心是佛과 頓悟無心로 귀결된다. 마음이 바로 부처이므로 점차적인 수행을 가자할 필요가 없이 본래 구족되어 있어 깨달음이 이루어져 있는 頓悟요, 어떤 것도 집착 없이 받아들이고 差別 分別相을 떠난 無心이 바로 깨달음의 경지임을 강조한다.

Huangbo Xiyun (黃檗希運; d. 850) was a Chan master who was active in Tang dynasty after the turbulent era marked by the An.Shi Rebellion and the Huichang persecution of Buddhism. In terms of Chinese Buddhist history, he lived about the time when the “five houses and seven schools” were about to be established. Huangbo’s perspective on Chan was simple and direct, and characterized by his individual style as a lofty practitioner of his beliefs. He faithfully embodied the Chan style of Patriarchal Chan. Two compilations of his sayings remain, Chuanxinfayao(傳心法要) and Wanlinglu(宛陵錄), both of which were compiled by Pei Xiu (裵休; 797-870) who also wrote the foreword.
Many Chan Schools extracted their Chan perspectives from Mahayana scriptures to use them in establishing their own thoughts on Chan. Both Chuanxinfayao and Wanlinglu also cite passages from diverse Mahayana sutras, most of them from the early and mid-period of Mahayana Buddhism. The cited concepts and the sutras of their origin are as follows: “absence of characteristics(無相)” and “absence of discriminating thought (無心)” from the DiamondSutra(Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra; 金剛經) and Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra(維摩經); “one vehicle” from the Lotus Sutra(Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra;法華經); “Buddha nature” from the Nirvana Sutra(Mahāparinirvāṇa Sutra; 涅槃經); “mind-only” from the Flower Ornament Sutra(Avataṃsaka Sūtra; 華嚴經); “The mind is the Buddha” from the Guanwuliangshoujing(觀無量壽 經); and “one mind” from the Awakening of Mahayana Faith(大乘起信論).
Based on these diverse Chan perspectives found in Mahayana Buddhism, the two volumes of recorded sayings by Huangbo express two major Chan concepts which are: “Mind is Buddha (心是佛)” and “sudden enlightenment and no discriminating thought (頓悟無心).” As the mind is Buddha, there is no need for “gradual practice.” As we are inherently endowed with perfect enlightenment, we can attain sudden enlightenment. The state of having “no discriminating thought” is emphasized as being enlightenment itself. It is a state that embraces all things without attachment and is free from discriminating nature and imagined characteristics.

目次Ⅰ. 들어가면서 195
Ⅱ. 황벽 이전 선사들의 大乘禪觀 196
Ⅲ. 『傳心法要』와 『宛陵錄』에 나타난 大乘禪觀 199
1. 『금강경』 199
2. 『유마경』 203
3. 『법화경』 207
4. 『열반경』 209
5. 기타 대승경전 212
Ⅳ. 『傳心法要』와 『宛陵錄』을 통해서 본 황벽의 禪思想 一考 214
Ⅴ. 나가면서 217
ISSN12250945 (P)

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