丹羽宣子 〈僧侶らしさ〉と女性らしさの宗教社会学 : 日蓮宗女性僧侶の事例から Jessica Starling : Guardians of the Buddha's Home : Domestic Religion in the Contemporary Jodo Shinshu 那須英勝・本多彩・碧海寿広編 現代日本の仏教と女性 : 文化の越境とジェンダー=Niwa Nobuko, The Religious Sociology of 'Monkhood' and 'Femininity' : A Case Study of Female Monks from the Nichiren Sect : Nasu Eisho, Honda Aya, and Omi Toshihiro, eds. Modern Japanese Buddhism and Women : Gender and the Transcending of Cultural Boundaries : Jessica Starling, Guardians of the Buddha's Home : Domestic Religion in Contemporary Jodo Shinshu |
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