明清因明史上被忽視的一環 - 明釋真貴《因明入正理論集解》評析=An Forgotten Link in the History of Buddhist Logic in the Ming and Qing: Zhengui's Ming Commentary on the Yinming ru zhengli lun |
著者 |
陳帥 (著)=Chen Shuai (au.)
掲載誌 |
佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.2 新7卷 |
出版年月日 | 2021.07 |
ページ | 47 - 74 |
出版者 | 佛光大學佛教研究中心 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 《因明入正理論集解》=Yinming ru zhengli lun jijie; 釋真貴=Zhengui; 明清因明史=the history of Buddhist logic in the Ming and Qing dynasties; 《因明入正理論解》=Yinming ru zhengli lun jie |
抄録 | 《卍續藏》中收有釋真界《因明入正理論解》等六種明清因明著作,因而,此前學界傾向於圍繞此六種材料展開明代因明敘述。然而,此外尚有愚菴真貴《因明入正理論集解》等多種文本存世,可有力推進明清因明史的重述工作。本文聚焦於此《因明入正理論集解》,考察其文獻學資訊及作者釋真貴生平,並以宗支相關概念為例,探究其注釋特色,進而討論這部文本在明清因明史中的位置。在筆者看來,釋真貴從當時可見的材料中搜集文獻支撐,作為注釋的基礎。釋真界《因明入正理論解》大量內容承襲自此《因明入正理論集解》,一定程度上導致後者被後世所忽視。儘管如此,《因明入正理論集解》的相關闡發仍被後人所借鑒、繼承,直接或間接地影響了明末及清時期的因明闡發。作為明清因明學術脈絡發展初期的重要一環,該文本不應再被今日的因明史研究忽視。
Six works on Buddhist logic from the Ming and Qing dynasties are preserved in the Zokuzōkyō canon, including Zhenjie's 真界 Yinming ru zhengli lun jie 因明入正理論解. Existing scholarship on Ming and Qing Buddhist logic tends to rely on these six texts. However, there are other extant works which may be used for new research on this topic. One such work is Zhengui's 真貴 Yinming ru zhengli lun jijie 因明入正理論集解, which is the focus of the present article. After first describing that text's philological features and outlining Zhengui's biography, this article investigates the text's exegetical features, with a case study on its investigation of concepts related to the thesis member, in order to find out its position in the history of Ming and Qing Buddhist logic. Zhengui's commentary appears to be based on a survey of literature that was available at the time. Zhengui's interpretation was broadly adopted in a later text composed by Zhenjie, the Yinming ru zhengli lun jie, which contributed to Zhengui's earlier work being forgotten by later generations. Nevertheless, it is clear that Zhengui's ideas were absorbed and inherited by later works, and consequently, his work directly and indirectly influenced the study of Buddhist logic in Ming and Qing. Zhengui's text therefore represents an important early link in the development of Buddhist logic in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which scholars have previously overlooked. |
目次 | 一、引論 50
二、釋真貴及其《入論集解》 52
三、《入論集解》的注釋特點:以宗支相關概念的闡釋為例 58
四、因明史中的《入論集解》 62
五、結語:明清因明史中被忽視的一環與諸環 69
引用書目 73 |
ISSN | 24143006 (P) |
ヒット数 | 266 |
作成日 | 2021.11.11 |
更新日期 | 2023.05.23 |

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