三世熱振呼圖克圖若干史實補綴——以敦煌研究院藏下密院銅釜銘文為中心=A Supplementary Study of Issues Related to the Rwa-sgreng Khutukhtu——Focusing on a Bronze Pot from Gyumey in the Dunhuang Academy |
著者 |
萬瑪項杰 (著)=Wanma, Xiang-jie (au.)
金鵬飛 (著)=Jin Peng-fei (au.)
掲載誌 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
巻号 | n.3 (總號=n.187) |
出版年月日 | 2021 |
ページ | 105 - 113 |
出版者 | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位(萬瑪項杰):西北民族大學中國語言文學學部,敦煌研究院敦煌文獻研究所 作者單位(金鵬飛)蘭州大學西北少數民族研究中心 |
キーワード | 銅釜=Dunhuang Academy; 下密院=bronze pot; 攝政熱振呼圖克圖=Rwa-sgreng Khutukhtu; 歷史疑點 |
抄録 | 敦煌文獻《摩尼教殘經》《摩尼光佛教法儀略》和《下部贊》中時常出現對"樹"的描述,在摩尼教中,樹充任重要象征和哲學符號。尤其是其中的"活樹"和"死樹",乃摩尼教用來表達貫穿其教義核心的光明與黑暗的二元論思想最貼切的象征,從而通過闡明光明與黑暗二元之間的斗爭,來彰顯中際時期世界明暗二宗之戰的深化和繼續,借由"扶明克暗"來體現人類自身的道德修養、心靈的善惡和修行的優劣。這不僅直接影響到人類自身明暗二性的強弱變化,亦將最終決定靈魂能否及早得救、復歸光明天國。
Trees are an important literary and philosophical symbol in the Manichaean documents of Dunhuang such as Fragmental Manuscripts of Manichaeism (宇 56, BD00256), Compendium of the Doctrines and Styles of the Teaching of Mani,the Buddha of Light(S.3969+P.3884) and Chinese Manichaean Hymn Scroll(S.2659, Or.8210). The “living tree” and “dead tree” are symbols used by Manichaeism to express the dualism of light and darkness, which is the core doctrine that runs through Manichaeism. Clarifying the struggle between the light and the dark reveals an important strain in the thought of the Middle Ages that saw the world as experiencing a deepening and continuation in the war between the two forces of light and darkness. The moral doctrine of Manichaeism also operated according to this dualism by claiming that the good and evil of the soul and the merits and demerits of spiritual practice are realized by “helping the bright and suppressing the dark”. The struggle between light and darkness not only directly effects changes in the corresponding essences of human beings, but also determines whether an individual’s soul can be saved and allowed to return to heaven. |
目次 | 一 下密院銅釜的信息 106 二 銘文原文及拉丁文轉寫、翻譯 106 1. 銘文原文 106 2. 銘文拉丁文轉寫 106 3. 藏文銘文漢譯 106 三 銅釜銘文的內容介紹 107 1. 下密院 107 2. 甘丹頗章 107 3. 喇恰 108 4. 孜恰 108 四 銘文中“卸任攝政熱振呼圖克圖” 為何人? 108 五 喇恰·洛桑金巴和孜恰·格勒南傑 110 1. 喇恰·洛桑金巴 110 2. 孜恰·格勒南傑 110 六 卸任攝政熱振呼圖克圖相關史實的 訂誤和補考 110 1. 卸任攝政三世熱振呼圖克圖的圓寂年份和地點 110 2. 攝政三世熱振呼圖克圖卸任後的處境 111 3. 清廷和同治皇帝對卸任攝政三世熱振呼圖克圖的態度 111 4. 三世熱振呼圖克圖返藏時間 112 5. 三世熱振呼圖克圖返回藏地及 1862 年熱 振事件消極影響的淡化 112 七 結論 113 |
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
DOI | 10.13584/j.cnki.issn1000-4106.2021.03.011 |
ヒット数 | 266 |
作成日 | 2022.02.18 |
更新日期 | 2022.02.18 |

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