

"Polemics in Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism" A Late 19th-Century Debate Between 'Ju Mi pham and Dpa' ris rab gsal
著者 Viehbeck, Markus (著)
出版者Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien=Association for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
出版サイト https://wstb.univie.ac.at/
出版地Wien, Austria [維也納, 奧地利]
シリーズWSTB Monograph Series
ノート1. WSTB: Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde
2. The Open Access online publication of this volume was generously supported by the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" of the University of Heidelberg.
抄録This book makes an important contribution to exploring the question of how knowledge of Buddhist India is appropriated and negotiated on the Tibetan plateau. It investigates the series of debates between the Rnying ma master 'Ju Mi pham (1846–1912) and his contemporary opponents from the Dge lugs school – in particular Dpa' ris Rab gsal (1840–1912) – that flared up in Eastern Tibet in the late nineteenth century and involved the major centres of Tibetan scholasticism in the almost thirty years of its development. The point of departure of these controversies was Mi pham's Nor bu ke ta ka, an innovative commentary on the ninth chapter of Śāntideva's (approx. eighth century) Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra (BCA), a work that the tradition regards as an authoritative presentation of Indian Madhyamaka thought. After the Buddhist religion spread to Tibet, it was this tradition that established itself as the pivotal philosophical system. Not only does its content form the ontological foundation of the Buddhist world view in Tibet, but a correct understanding of it is also commonly accepted as the prerequisite for any soteriological progress. Madhyamaka philosophy was therefore subject to considerable debate among Tibetan scholastics, of which the controversies around Mi pham's Nor bu ke ta ka are one of the most important testimonies.

The study engages with these controversies in three parts: Part I (“Context of the controversies”) explores the larger context of the debates, both in terms of literary genre, but also in its socio-historical dimension. In so doing, it helps to nuance our understanding of the intellectual history of the nineteenth century, a crucial period in which a tension between Dge lugs and non-Dge lugs scholastic traditions (the “ris med movement”) has been – often simplistically – seen as an important background for the debates.

The second part (“Main part: the debate between Mi pham and Rab gsal”) focuses on the critical treatises that were exchanged between Mi pham and Rab gsal. Based on this material, the study outlines the key issues of the controversy, which are related to four different passages of the BCA: Topic I concerns the interpretation of BCA IX.1, Topic II that of BCA IX.78. Both of these topics pertain mostly to personal differences in the literal interpretation of the respective passages, and are thus treated rather briefly. In contrast, Topic III, connected to BCA IX.41-49, and Topic IV, connected to BCA IX.2, are both related to fundamental differences in the respective scholastic traditions concerning the understanding of core concepts of Madhyamaka philosophy, which are discussed at great length. For each topic, its respective background is outlined and followed up by an investigation into the dynamic development of the debate, which proceeds by tracing the exchange of arguments across the confines of individual texts.

The last section (“Supplementary material”) is intended as a complement for the specialist working on this material. It provides a detailed and comprehensive structural analysis of the analysed texts down to the level of individual arguments and makes these structures and the connections between arguments in different textual layers explicit in various overview charts.
目次Contents 5
List of figures 7
List of tables 7
Acknowledgements 9
introduction 11

I Context of the controversies 27
1 Historical development 29
2 Literary and socio-historical background 39
the controversies in the history of dgag lan debate 40
"Polemics" as a literary genre 40
Polemical literature in Tibet 43
Connections to earlier controversies 50
Impact of the debates on later controversies 57
Delineating the contemporary conditions of the controversies 61
the historical setting 61
A religio-political background for the controversies? 65
Mi pham and the “ris med movement”? 68
Mi pham as a person of authority 74
Political motives? – Turning to the texts 77

II Main part: the debate between Mi pham and Rab gsal 81
3 Textual sources 83
Editions 83
the works of Mi pham 84
the works of Rab gsal 85
the individual texts 86
Nor bu ke ta ka 86
Pho nya 89
'Ju lan 90
Rab lan 92
Ga bur chu rgyun 94
Yang lan 97

4 Issues of controversy and their development 99
Topic I: the interpretation of BCA IX 1 100
Topic II: the interpretation of BCA IX 78 109
Topic III: the interpretation of BCA IX 41–49 125
Topic IV: issues related to BCA IX 2 150
Emptiness as non-existence of true establishment (bden med) 153
Ultimate emptiness and freedom from extremes 167
Svātantrika and Prāsaṅgika 183
the absolute as an object of mind (blo) and words (sgra) 193

III Supplementary material 211
5 Detailed summaries of the exchanged texts 213
'Ju lan 214
Rab lan 236
Ga bur chu rgyun 272
Yang lan 284

6 Overview charts of the texts 287
'Ju lan 289
Rab lan 298
Ga bur chu rgyun 309
Yang lan 316

7 Structural outlines (sa bcad) 317
Nor bu ke ta ka 317
'Ju lan 320
Rab lan 320
Ga bur chu rgyun 320
Yang lan 321

Abbreviations and bibliography 323
index of passages 341
General index 345

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