

新羅末 禪文化의 형태와 발전=Formation and Development of Seon-Culture in the last stage of Silla Dynasty
著者 高榮燮 (著)=Ko, Young-seop (au.)
掲載誌 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies
巻号v.2 n.0
ページ75 - 103
出版サイト http://www.seonstudy.org/seon/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノート저자정보: 동국대학교 불교학과 강사
抄録The history of Buddhistic thought is 'the history of Self-denying'. In this, 'Self-denying' means the effort of continuous denial to accept the attachment for self-existence and the Self. Especially Son-bub is trying to indicate the Real Truth that exists pre-linguistic stage or beyond language by denying the clinging for language. Therefore in the 'history of Self-denying', Son-bub has the most intensive tone and message.
It is the last stage that the propagation of Son-Bub arrived in Silla Dynasty. Most of the Founder 7 San-Moon went to China learned the new Sun-Bub and introduced it to Silla. The transmission of chinese Son-bub invoked strong repulsion by the existing Yogacara and Hya-yen fraternity in Silla.
To the people whom accustomed complexed and complicated culture for a long time, Son-culture is very unfamiliar and shocking. But differently the nobility familiar with Kyo-culture, general public has more intimate feeling with Son-culture that teach everyone could become a Buddha. Thus a new cognition on Son-culture has prepared.
7san Son-moon formed in the last stage of Silla Dynasty and 2 sanSon-Moon formed in the middle stage of Korea Dynasty had integrated Jokyejong by Son-priest Bojo Jinool. And this 9san Son-Moon has evaluated as the identified originator of Korean Buddhism.
The originators or founders of each San-Moon had created their unique family tradition, and this has settled new foundation of Korean Buddhism.
For example, Mooyeom(無染)'s [The Land without saying(無舌土) and The Land with saying(有舌土)], Doseon(道詵)'s [The Speech without saying((無說之說) and The Canon without Canon(無法之法)], Soonji(順之)'s 表相現法, 三遍成佛篇, 漸證實際篇 and so forth. These discourses are the presentative cases that has indivisuality their own. Coming into Chinese, the ascetic culture in India begun from mendicancy has transformed adjusted by Chinese temper. The ascetic
method represented by "Only thinking silently sitting alone one place still" has begun in the forest or mountain. In China, the ascetic training is performed not in the forest or mountain, but in the marketplace or working place.
Son-culture expressed as the asthetic of condensation and abstinence, exception and simplicity has been leading a new cultural trend in changing period late Silla. That had brought opportunity to the people whom craving new thought teached the way to progress a spiritual awakening.
Transmission of Son-culture has spread out the ordinary speech and simplicity culture in Silla society. After all, this Son-culture has made 1)secure the foundation of self-sufficiency by agreement with labor and acetic, 2) open up the non-posessing, non-attachment, non-halting culture by fastening the culture of simplicity and frugality, 3) expand the easier and clear understanding Buddhism through ordinariness and intuitive speech.
And this transmission of Son-culture has given elasticity and dynamicity on narrow vision of understanding Buddhism since middle stage of Silla Dynasty. And the formation of 9san Son-Moon that settled in the last stage of Silla Dynasty and early stage of Korea has become a mechanism expand the extension by openness and flexibility.
目次Ⅰ. 새로운 수행법의 전개 1
Ⅱ. 신라 하대의 선문화의 형태 3
1. 일곱 산문의 형성 8
2. 독자적인 가풍의 형성 10
Ⅲ. 신라 하대의 선문화의 발전 15
1. 노동과 수행의 일치 17
2. 검소와 간소의 문화 19
3. 일상과 직절의 화법 22
Ⅳ. 깨달음에로의 일대 진전 25
ISSN15980588 (P)

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