

The Eighth Karmapa's Life and his Interpretation of the Great Seal: A Religious Life and Instructional Texts in Historical and Doctrinal Contexts
著者 Rheingans, Jim (著) ; Zimmermann, Michael (編)
出版者Hamburg University Press
出版サイト https://blogs.sub.uni-hamburg.de/hup/
出版地Hamburg, Germany [漢堡, 德國]
シリーズHamburg Buddhist Studies
ノートThis book is out of print and no longer available.
抄録This book investigates Mikyö Dorje's biographies and carries out case studies of some of his mahāmudrā (Great Seal) teachings, Buddhist instructions for the acquisition of meditative insight. After surveying a variety of textual sources for the study of the Karmapa's life and works, this book shows how he developed into one of the most productive scholars of his tradition, who, located within the shifting religious and political hegemonies of his time, managed to acquire a status of singular importance to his school. Rheingans then goes on to analyse Mikyö Dorje's mahāmudrā teachings by examining selected texts that contain such instructions in historical and doctrinal context. This study contends that the Kagyüpa mahāmudrā constitutes less a static system than an independent key instruction to be adapted by the guru to different students’ requirements and are thus chiefly characterised by didactic pragmatism.
目次Foreword VII
Preface IX
Conventions Used XV
Abbreviations XVI

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Aim and Scope of this Research 4
1.2 Methodologies Employed 6
1.3 Previous Research on the Life and Works of the Eighth Karmapa 11
1.4 Plan of this Book 23

Chapter 2: The Great Seal and 15th to 16th Century Tibet 25
2.1 The Great Seal 25
2.1.1 The bKa’ brgyud pa Great Seal: A Brief Overview 26
2.1.2 sGam po pa, Early bKa’ brgyud pa, and the First Karmapa 29
2.1.3 Sa skya Paṇḍita, Indian Great Seal, and Later Systematisations 33
2.2 Tibet from the Fifteenth to Sixteenth Centuries: Conflicts between dBus and gTsang 36

Chapter 3: Textual Sources for the Eighth Karmapa’s Life and Great Seal 43
3.1 History of the Eighth Karmapa’s Writings 43
3.2 The Collected Works of the Eighth Karmapa 2000–2004: Origins and Rubrics 49
3.3 Sources on the Eighth Karmapa’s Great Seal 54
3.4 Spiritual Memoirs and Biographies of the Eighth Karmapa 58

Chapter 4: The Eighth Karmapa: Scholar, Monk, and Yogi 71
4.1 The Eighth Karmapa’s Life 71
4.1.1 Birth and Early Childhood (1507–1511) 72
4.1.2 The Dispute about the Incarnation (1512–1513) 75
4.1.3 Early Exposition, Composition, and Travels (1513–1516) 83
4.1.4 Becoming a Scholar and Training the Great Seal (1516–1529) 86
4.1.5 Scholastic Contributions (1530–1550) 100
4.1.6 Travel to rTsa ri, Sickness, and Passing Away (1554) 108
4.2 The Eighth Karmapa: ‘Learned and Accomplished One’ of his Day 110
4.3 Spiritual Programme for Teaching Meditation 115

Chapter 5: Case Studies of the Eighth Karmapa’s Great Seal 123
5.1 Case Studies: Concrete Examples of Teaching the Great Seal 124
5.2 Dialogues in A khu a khra’s Spiritual Biography 125
5.2.1 Their Function in the Main Narrative 125
5.2.2 Dialogue with A khu a khra 128
5.2.3 Dialogue with rGya ston Nang so Seng ge ba 133
5.2.4 Dialogue with dGa’ ldan dBon po Nam mkha’ rgyal mtshan 136
5.2.5 Dialogue with Mi nyag sKya ging Bya bral ba 139
5.2.6 Conceptualisation and Dharmakāya 142
5.3 Answer to Gling drung pa’s Query on the Great Seal 143
5.3.1 The Addressee and Other Contexts 144
5.3.2 The Content 147
5.3.3 The Story of sBas mchod: Pedagogy, History, and the Great Seal 154
5.3.4 Great Seal beyond Tantra 157
5.4 Identifying the Blessing: A Mantra Path 159

Chapter 6: Contextualising the Eighth Karmapa’s Great Seal Instructions 163
6.1 Basic Distinctions of the Great Seal 163
6.2 Interpretations of Conceptualisation as Dharmakāya 164
6.3 Common Strands and Divergent Interpretations 168
6.4 The Guru as Origin and Example in Vajrayāna and Great Seal Traditions 173
6.5 The Guru as Means in the Eighth Karmapa’s Great Seal Instructions 176

Chapter 7: Conclusions 185

Bibliography 191
Indian Buddhist Works 191
Primary Sources and Secondary Literature in Tibetan Language 192
Secondary Literature in Western Languages 207
Index 237
ISBN9783897334540 (E-Book); 9783897334229 (printed version)

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